Overall, 307 lots by Francesco Trevisani are in our price database - 132 with result prices. Most often, 67 times, a lot by the artist Francesco Trevisani was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 72 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Francesco Trevisani in our price database:
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Follower of Francesco Trevisani, called Romano The Madonna and Child oil on canvas 30 x 25in. (76.3...
Follower of Francesco Trevisani The Agony in the Garden oil on canvas 18 x 14in (45.7 x 35.7cm...
Follower of Francesco Trevisani, called Romano The Madonna with the Instruments of The Passion oil...
Follower of Francesco Trevisani The Annunciation to Abraham oil on canvas 31.5/8 x 49½in. (80.3 x...
Follower of Francesco Trevisani The Holy Family oil on canvas 30 1/8 x 24in (76.5 x 61cm...
Follower of Francesco Trevisani The Raising of Lazarus Oil on canvas 13 3/4 x 13 5/8 inches (35 x...
Attribuito a Francesco Trevisani (1656-1746) Scena biblica con donna, soldato e angelo ( recto...
Attribuito a Francesco Trevisani (1656-1736) Eremita barbuto olio su tela, senza cornice, cm 130x95...
Attribuito a Francesco Trevisani (Capo d'Istria 1656 - Roma 1746) Ecce Homo olio su tela cm 70x52,5...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani (1656-1746) Hercules and Omphale 19½ x 24¼in. (49.5 x 61.5cm...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani (1656-1747) The head of the Virgin, looking up to the left black...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) The Beheading of Saint John the...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) The Penitent Magdalen oil on canvas...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) Saint Lucia oil on canvas 40 x 29 7/8...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani (1656-1746) The Madonna oil on canvas, unframed 26 x 19¼in. (66 x...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani Capodistria (Cape of Istra, Slovenia) 1656 - 1746 Rome CAPODISTRIA...
Attributed to Francesco Trevisani Susanna and the Elders Oil on canvas 92 3/4 x 73 1/2 inches (235.5...
Virgen orante FRANCESCO TREVISANI (Capodistria, 1656 - Roma, 1746)
Óleo sobre lienzo. A comparar con...
The Holy Family
oil on copper
93⁄8 x 71⁄2 in. (23.8 x 19...
Maddalena penitente
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656 – Rome 1746) Penitent Magdalene oil on...
Italienischer Maler in Art des TREVISANI, Francesco, 1656 Capodistria - 1746 Rom. "Geißelung...
Olio su tela Misure cm: 96 x 71 TREVISANI FRANCESCO (1656 - 1746) Ritratto del conte Nicolaus...
Olio su tela Misure cm: 80 x 63 TREVISANI FRANCESCO (1656 - 1746) Ambiente di. San Francesco...
Property from a Distinguished Spanish Private CollectionFollower of Francesco TrevisaniThe Nativity...
Property from a Distinguished Spanish Private CollectionFollower of Francesco TrevisaniThe Nativity...
Die Jungfrau mit dem Kind. Öl auf Leinwand, doubliert. 98 x 73,5 cm. Francesco Trevisani erhielt...
Die Jungfrau mit dem Kind. Öl auf Leinwand, doubliert. 98 x 73,5 cm. Francesco Trevisani erhielt...
KREUZIGUNG CHRISTI Öl auf Leinwand. 67 x 37 cm. Gerahmt.
(1030522) (12) Francesco Trevisani, 1656...
1656 Capodistria - 1746 Rom.
Büßende Magdalena.
Öl auf Leinwand, auf Holz kaschiert. U.r. bez...
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