Overall, 307 lots by Francesco Trevisani are in our price database - 132 with result prices. Most often, 67 times, a lot by the artist Francesco Trevisani was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 72 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Francesco Trevisani in our price database:
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Penna e inchiostro bruno e acquerello grigio su carta vergellata. mm 267x170...
Virgen orante FRANCESCO TREVISANI (Capodistria, 1656 - Roma, 1746)
Óleo sobre lienzo. A comparar con...
Christ on the Mount Of Gethsemane...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1659-1746 Rome) The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1659-1746 Rome) The Penitent Magdalen oil on canvas 52½ x 38 in...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1659-1746 Rome)
Portrait of Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni (1667-1740...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1659-1746 Rome)
Portrait of the artist, half-length, in a...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1659-1746 Rome)
Portrait of Maria Clementina Sobieska (1702–1735...
FRANCESCO TREVISANI (CAPODISTRIA 1656-1746 ROME) A Study of Saint Francis in ecstasy and studies of...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) The Agony in the Garden oil on copper, circular 13...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) Saint Peter baptizing the Centurion Cornelius oil...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) The Pietà oil on canvas, unframed 22½ x 17 3/8 in...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome)
The Madonna Annunciate
Francesco Trevisani...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome)
Portrait of Count Nikolaus VII Pállfy ab Erdöd...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome)
Saint Joseph with the Flowering Rod
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome)
The Agony in the Garden
Francesco Trevisani...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome)
The Madonna and sleeping Christ Child with an...
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) The Martyrdom of...
Diana and Endymion oil on canvas 61.6 x 75 cm. (24¼ x 29½ in...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Rome) The Mocking of Christ oil on canvas 17 ¾ x 25 in...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Roma)
Latona muta in rane i contadini Licii
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656-1746 Roma)
Santa Teresa d'Avila
Francesco Trevisani...
Maddalena penitente
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656 – Rome 1746) Penitent Magdalene oil on...
Scène de la guerre de Troie Crayon noir et blanc sur papier préparé gris 37,7 x 22,5 cm Annoté en...
Deux feuilles d'études de personnages Plume et encre brune 13,6 x 16,8 cm; 23 x 15,4 cm Bandes de...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656 - Roma 1746), copia da olio su tela, cm 27x21 L'opera giunge...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656 - Roma 1746), copia da olio su tela, cm 27x21 L'opera giunge...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656 - Roma 1746), attribuito a olio su tela, cm 121x160 Perizia di...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656 - Roma 1746), attribuito a olio su tela, cm 64x47, in cornice...
Francesco Trevisani (Capodistria 1656 - Roma 1746), attribuito a olio su tela, cm 163x113...
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