Overall, 197 lots by Bernard Salomon are in our price database - 133 with result prices. Most often, 44 times, a lot by the artist Bernard Salomon was sold in an auction house in Germany. Most lots, 30 pieces, came up for auction at Ketterer Kunst GmbH & Co. KG.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Bernard Salomon in our price database:
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MARAFFI, Damian (XVIe siècle) - SALOMON, Bernard (1506–1561). Figure del Vecchio Testamento con...
Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard (Active in Lyon 1540-1561) The Midwives sparing the Lives...
Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard (Active in Lyon 1540-1561) The Calling of Abraham (Gen...
Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard (Active in Lyon 1540-1561) Sarah complaining of Ishmael...
Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard (Active in Lyon 1540-1561) Esau selling his Birthright to...
Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard (Active in Lyon 1540-1561) Rachel giving Birth to Joseph...
Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard (Active in Lyon 1540-1561) Joseph and Potiphar's Wife (Gen...
Bernard Salomon, called Le Petit Bernard (Active in Lyon 1540-1561) Joseph's Brothers returning to...
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
black chalk, pen...
[v]-xiii, [3], 316, [2] pp. With 248 illustrations from woodcuts by Bernard Salomon; extra suite of...
[v]-xiii, [3], 316, [2] pp. With 248 illustrations from woodcuts by Bernard Salomon; extra suite of...
Biblia Sacra, Lyon: J. de Tournes, 1554, 8°, FIRST DE TOURNES LATIN BIBLE based on Robert Estienne's...
Il Nuouo ed Eterno Testamento di Giesu Christo, Lyon: J. de Tournes & G. Gazeau, 2 parts in one...
], 1797, disbound, 8vo, (1); Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Kelly's Edition, London: [n.d., c. 1825...
Quadrins historiques de la Bible.
(Paradin, C.), Quadrins historiques de la Bible. Mit arabesker...
Figures du Nouveau Testament. 1556 (46)
Fontaine, Ch., Figures du Nouveau Testament. Mit arabesker...
Fontaine (Charles, & Paradin, Claude). Figures du Nouveau Testament, & Quadrins Historiques de la...
179 Biblia gallica. - (Paradin, Claude). Qvadrins historiqves de la Bible. Reuuz, & augmentez d'un...
Title: La Metamorphose d'Ovide Figuree Author: Ovid Place: Lyon Publisher: De Tournes Date: 1564...
Title: La Metamorphose d'Ovide Figuree Author: Ovid Place: Lyon Publisher: De Tournes Date: 1564...
Obsequentis prodigiorum
Obsequens, J., Prodigiorum liber ... Polydori Vergilii de prodigiis libri...
Figures du nouveau Testament. Lyon, de Tournes 1556. Kl.8°. Mit arabesker Titelholzschnittbordüre...
OVIDE (Publius Ovidius Naso, vers 43 av. J.-C. - 17 ou 18 ap. J.-C.). La Metamorphose d’Ovide...
Alciati emblematum
Alciatus, A., Emblematum libri duo, aucti & restituti, & perelegantibus figuris...
L'eneide. 1560.
Vergilius Maro, P., L'Eneïde. Translatee de Latin en François par L. Des Masures...
OVIDE La Vita et Metamorfoseo d'Ovidio, figurato & abreviato in forma d'epigrammi di M. Gabriello...
189 Paradin, Guillaume. Historiarvm memorabilivm ex Genesi descriptio. - Borluyt, Guillaume...
Auktionsablauf: 26.04.2022 / Los 343-461 / Sitzungsbeginn 17.15 Uhr Paradin, G. Historiarum...
Figure del Vecchio Testamento con versi toscani. Lyons: Jean de Tournes, 1554. 2 parts in one...
ad optima quaequae veteris, ut vocant, tralationes exemplaria summa diligentia, parique fide...
PARADIN, Claude (ca. 1510-1573). Devises heroïques . Lyon: Jan de Tournes et Guil. Gazeau, 1557. 8°...
OVID (43 BC.-17? AD.). La Metamorphose figure . Lyons: J. de Torunes, 1564.
OVID (43 BC.-17? AD...
219 Biblia latina. - Biblia Sacra ad optima quaeque veteris, vt vocant, tralationis exemplaria summa...
121 Biblia latina. - Biblia Sacra ad optima quaeque veteris, vt vocant, tralationis exemplaria summa...
Biblia latina. - Biblia sacra ad optima quaeque veteris, ut vocant tralationes (sic) exemplaria...
Biblia sacra. 1554.
Biblia sacra ad optima quaeque veteris, ut vocant, tralationis exemplaria summa...
A Selection from the collection of Bernard Descheemaeker Works of Art, Antwerp
Master IDCFrench...
Des prodiges.
Obsequens, J., Des prodiges. Plus trois livres de Polydore Vergile sur la mesme...
each tipped-onto card mounts, each c.85 x 63mm., loose in later calf, rubbed, [?Lyons, Bernard...
Circa 1580-1610 Attributed to the workshop of Gironimo Tomasi, decorated after a print by Bernard...
Emblemata. 1549.
Alciatus, A., Emblematum libri duo. Mit 113 emblemat. Holzschnitten von Bernard...
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