Overall, 54 lots by Agnolo Bronzino are in our price database - 27 with result prices. Most often, 10 times, a lot by the artist Agnolo Bronzino was sold in an auction house in United Kingdom. Most lots, 13 pieces, came up for auction at Christie's.
The lots with the highest resulting prices by Agnolo Bronzino in our price database:
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Da Agnolo Bronzino
Ritratto di Alessandro de Medici
Da Agnolo Bronzino Ritratto di Alessandro de...
Agnolo Bronzino (Florence 1503-1572)
Portrait of a young man with a book
Agnolo Bronzino (Florence...
Manner of Agnolo Bronzino (Monticelli 1503-1572 Florence)
Portrait of a boy, seated bust-length, in...
Agnolo Bronzino, zugeschrieben Skelett, nach rechts schreitend Kreide in Schwarz auf Papier...
Workshop of Agnolo Bronzino (Menticelli 1503-1572 Florence)
Portrait of a young boy, traditionally...
Agnolo Bronzino (1503-1572), Kopie nach, Bildnis der Lucrezia Panciatichi, anonymer Kopist des 20...
Bronzino, Agnolo 1503 Florenz - 1572 ebd., attr. oder Umkreis bzw. Nachfolger. Öl auf Holztafel...
Agnolo Bronzino, zugeschrieben Bildnis eines jungen Mannes Öl auf Holz. 45,5 x 37...
Agnolo Bronzino (1503-1572), bottega di olio su tavola, cm 59,5x44...
School of Agnolo Bronzino (Italian 1503-1572), chalk male nude with an early signature verso...
Manner of Agnolo Bronzino (Italian, 1503-1572) Portrait of a Gentleman in 16th Century Costume...
Studio of Agnolo Bronzino (Agniolo di Cosimo di Mariano Tori) (Florence 1503-1572) Portrait of Duke...
Manner of Agnolo Bronzino Portrait of a bearded man, standing three-quarter length, wearing black...
Manner of Agnolo Bronzino Portrait of a young nobleman, half length, wearing a green jacket, lace...
Manner of Agnolo Bronzino The Infant Saint John the Baptist oil on panel, unframed 12 x 8½in. (30.5...
Manner of Agnolo Bronzino Portrait of a Gentleman, half length, in a black Coat with red Sleeves...
Cerchia di Agnolo Bronzino RITRATTO DEL POETA BURCHIELLO iscrizione in alto: . BVRCHIELLO . POETA...
Follower of Agnolo Bronzino Portrait of Giovanni de Medici, half-length Oil on slate 72 x 56cm (28¼...
Follower of Agnolo Bronzino Portrait of Giovanni de Medici, half-length Oil on slate 72 x 56cm (28¼...
Workshop of Agnolo Bronzino (Menticelli 1503-1572 Florence) Cartoon for the head of a woman in...
Follower of Agnolo Bronzino (Italian/Florence, 1503-1572) "Full-Length Portrait of a Nobleman" oil...
Follower of Agnolo Bronzino Portrait of a Gentleman, half length, holding a book on panel 24 5/8 x...
Lot015 Detail Agnolo Bronzino (1503-1572)-attributed, portrait of a man , oil on wooden panel...
Portrait de femme dans le goût d'Agnolo Bronzino Huile sur panneau. 45 x 33 cm...
olio su tavola cm 68,5 x 52,5 STUDIO OF AGNOLO BRONZINO (FLORENCE 1503-1572), PORTRAIT OF FRANCESCO...
Ecole florentine du XVIe siècle Entourage d'Agnolo Bronzino La Vierge à l'Enfant Huile sur panneau...
Sold Without ReserveA Selection of Books on Agnolo Bronzino and Alessandro Allori J. Cox-Rearick...
Sold Without ReserveA Selection of Books on Agnolo Bronzino and Alessandro Allori J. Cox-Rearick...
Circle of Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano Tori, called Agnolo Bronzino (Monticelli 1503-1572 Florence...
Ecole florentine du milieu du XVIe siècle Entourage d'Agnolo Bronzino Portrait d'homme au vêtement...
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