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Auction archive: Lot number 1340

WELLESLEY, Arthur, Duke of Wellington. The Dispatches . London: 1837-1839. 13 volumes (including index volume), 8° (215 x 133mm). Contemporary half-calf, (spines worn, all but one label lacking). Mixed edition. -- Francis BACON. The Works... New Edit...

Auction 20.04.1998
20 Apr 1998 - 22 Apr 1998
£120 - £180
ca. US$200 - US$300
Price realised:
ca. US$769
Auction archive: Lot number 1340

WELLESLEY, Arthur, Duke of Wellington. The Dispatches . London: 1837-1839. 13 volumes (including index volume), 8° (215 x 133mm). Contemporary half-calf, (spines worn, all but one label lacking). Mixed edition. -- Francis BACON. The Works... New Edit...

Auction 20.04.1998
20 Apr 1998 - 22 Apr 1998
£120 - £180
ca. US$200 - US$300
Price realised:
ca. US$769

WELLESLEY, Arthur, Duke of Wellington. The Dispatches . London: 1837-1839. 13 volumes (including index volume), 8° (215 x 133mm). Contemporary half-calf, (spines worn, all but one label lacking). Mixed edition. -- Francis BACON The Works... New Edition . London: 1875. 7 volumes, 8° (214 x 135mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary half-calf (spines worn); and one other. (21)

Auction archive: Lot number 1340
20 Apr 1998 - 22 Apr 1998
Auction house:
London, King Street

WELLESLEY, Arthur, Duke of Wellington. The Dispatches . London: 1837-1839. 13 volumes (including index volume), 8° (215 x 133mm). Contemporary half-calf, (spines worn, all but one label lacking). Mixed edition. -- Francis BACON The Works... New Edition . London: 1875. 7 volumes, 8° (214 x 135mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece. Contemporary half-calf (spines worn); and one other. (21)

Auction archive: Lot number 1340
20 Apr 1998 - 22 Apr 1998
Auction house:
London, King Street
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