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Auction archive: Lot number 304

Vicente López y Portaña (Valencia 1772-1850 Madrid)

£15,000 - £25,000
ca. US$23,017 - US$38,362
Price realised:
ca. US$28,771
Auction archive: Lot number 304

Vicente López y Portaña (Valencia 1772-1850 Madrid)

£15,000 - £25,000
ca. US$23,017 - US$38,362
Price realised:
ca. US$28,771

Vicente López y Portaña (Valencia 1772-1850 Madrid)
Portrait of King Ferdinand VII of Spain (1784-1833), small full-length, in the uniform of Capitán General, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece and other orders, before a draped table with the Spanish regalia
Vicente López y Portaña (Valencia 1772-1850 Madrid) Portrait of King Ferdinand VII of Spain (1784-1833), small full-length, in the uniform of Capitán General, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece and other orders, before a draped table with the Spanish regalia oil on canvas, unlined 33 ½ x 24 ¾ in. (85.1 x 62.8 cm.)

Auction archive: Lot number 304
23 Sep 2015
Auction house:

Vicente López y Portaña (Valencia 1772-1850 Madrid)
Portrait of King Ferdinand VII of Spain (1784-1833), small full-length, in the uniform of Capitán General, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece and other orders, before a draped table with the Spanish regalia
Vicente López y Portaña (Valencia 1772-1850 Madrid) Portrait of King Ferdinand VII of Spain (1784-1833), small full-length, in the uniform of Capitán General, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece and other orders, before a draped table with the Spanish regalia oil on canvas, unlined 33 ½ x 24 ¾ in. (85.1 x 62.8 cm.)

Auction archive: Lot number 304
23 Sep 2015
Auction house:
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