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Auction archive: Lot number 970

unused Block Larger Than four -- Saunders paper, 4d. dull rose, a block of nine with part of sheet margin at foot, unused with part original gum; some thins and creases but a most impressive multiple. The largest recorded unused 4d. block. S.G. 92c. Photo

Auction 09.11.2000
9 Nov 2000
£300 - £400
ca. US$427 - US$570
Price realised:
ca. US$492
Auction archive: Lot number 970

unused Block Larger Than four -- Saunders paper, 4d. dull rose, a block of nine with part of sheet margin at foot, unused with part original gum; some thins and creases but a most impressive multiple. The largest recorded unused 4d. block. S.G. 92c. Photo

Auction 09.11.2000
9 Nov 2000
£300 - £400
ca. US$427 - US$570
Price realised:
ca. US$492

unused Block Larger Than four -- Saunders paper, 4d. dull rose, a block of nine with part of sheet margin at foot, unused with part original gum; some thins and creases but a most impressive multiple. The largest recorded unused 4d. block. S.G. 92c. Photo

Auction archive: Lot number 970
9 Nov 2000
Auction house:
Spink London

unused Block Larger Than four -- Saunders paper, 4d. dull rose, a block of nine with part of sheet margin at foot, unused with part original gum; some thins and creases but a most impressive multiple. The largest recorded unused 4d. block. S.G. 92c. Photo

Auction archive: Lot number 970
9 Nov 2000
Auction house:
Spink London
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