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Auction archive: Lot number 304

Two Schneider Glass Articles

US$600 - US$900
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 304

Two Schneider Glass Articles

US$600 - US$900
Price realised:

Two Schneider Glass Articles Circa 1925 and 1955 Comprising a compote, in amethyst, white and colorless glass, on a multi-knopped standard, a low compote, in white and colorless glass, on three ball feet, Together with a Hexagonal Form Glass Vase In lilac, amethyst and colorless glass heightened with green, of hexagonal form. Height of tallest 7 1/2 inches, diameter 10 1/8 inches. C Sold by the Museum of Fine Arts Boston for the benefit of the Collection
PLEASE NOTE THIS LOT DESCRIPTION WAS UPDATED ON 2/14/2015 Generally good condition, the vase with small nicks and rim chips, each signed in script Schneider, each Museum accession number on the undersides is cancelled

Auction archive: Lot number 304
18 Feb 2015
Auction house:
Doyle New York - Auctioneers & Appraisers
East 87th Street 75
New York, NY 10128
United States
+1 (0)212 4272730

Two Schneider Glass Articles Circa 1925 and 1955 Comprising a compote, in amethyst, white and colorless glass, on a multi-knopped standard, a low compote, in white and colorless glass, on three ball feet, Together with a Hexagonal Form Glass Vase In lilac, amethyst and colorless glass heightened with green, of hexagonal form. Height of tallest 7 1/2 inches, diameter 10 1/8 inches. C Sold by the Museum of Fine Arts Boston for the benefit of the Collection
PLEASE NOTE THIS LOT DESCRIPTION WAS UPDATED ON 2/14/2015 Generally good condition, the vase with small nicks and rim chips, each signed in script Schneider, each Museum accession number on the undersides is cancelled

Auction archive: Lot number 304
18 Feb 2015
Auction house:
Doyle New York - Auctioneers & Appraisers
East 87th Street 75
New York, NY 10128
United States
+1 (0)212 4272730
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