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Auction archive: Lot number 2281

Two Pieces of Gold and Diamond JewelryTwo Pieces of Gold and Diamond Jewelry

US$100 - US$200
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 2281

Two Pieces of Gold and Diamond JewelryTwo Pieces of Gold and Diamond Jewelry

US$100 - US$200
Price realised:

Two Pieces of Gold and Diamond Jewelry, a 14kt gold, diamond, and seed pearl sunburst brooch and a 10kt gold and diamond locket pendant with engraved exterior, wd. to 1 in., total 5.3 dwt.

Auction archive: Lot number 2281
8 Sep 2016
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429

Two Pieces of Gold and Diamond Jewelry, a 14kt gold, diamond, and seed pearl sunburst brooch and a 10kt gold and diamond locket pendant with engraved exterior, wd. to 1 in., total 5.3 dwt.

Auction archive: Lot number 2281
8 Sep 2016
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429
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