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Auction archive: Lot number 94

Three pairs of lamps, the first pair of brass with fluted supports on a square plinth base, the second pair of brass with fluted support and a circular base, the third pair of cut glass and brass

The Interiors Sale
4 Sep 2023
£40 - £60
ca. US$50 - US$75
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 94

Three pairs of lamps, the first pair of brass with fluted supports on a square plinth base, the second pair of brass with fluted support and a circular base, the third pair of cut glass and brass

The Interiors Sale
4 Sep 2023
£40 - £60
ca. US$50 - US$75
Price realised:
n. a.

Three pairs of lamps, the first pair of brass with fluted supports on a square plinth base, the second pair of brass with fluted support and a circular base, the third pair of cut glass and brass (6) Dimensions: the first pair 45cm high, the second pair 61cm high the third pair 51cm high

Auction archive: Lot number 94
4 Sep 2023
Auction house:
Mallams Auctioneers
St. Michael’s Street
Bocardo House
Oxford, OX1 2EB
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1865 241358
+44 (0)01865) 725483

Three pairs of lamps, the first pair of brass with fluted supports on a square plinth base, the second pair of brass with fluted support and a circular base, the third pair of cut glass and brass (6) Dimensions: the first pair 45cm high, the second pair 61cm high the third pair 51cm high

Auction archive: Lot number 94
4 Sep 2023
Auction house:
Mallams Auctioneers
St. Michael’s Street
Bocardo House
Oxford, OX1 2EB
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1865 241358
+44 (0)01865) 725483
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