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Auction archive: Lot number 4335

Sieff, Jeanloup Cabana, Normandie

ca. US$1,345
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 4335

Sieff, Jeanloup Cabana, Normandie

ca. US$1,345
Price realised:
n. a.

"Cabana, Normandie". 1972/printed later. Gelatin silver print. 35,2 x 23,5 cm (50 x 35,5 cm). Signed, titled and dated by the photographer in pencil and photographer's stamp on the verso. Some creases in lower white margin, corners minimally bumped, small tear on verso of paper in left edge, otherwise a fine tonal print in very good condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4335
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025

"Cabana, Normandie". 1972/printed later. Gelatin silver print. 35,2 x 23,5 cm (50 x 35,5 cm). Signed, titled and dated by the photographer in pencil and photographer's stamp on the verso. Some creases in lower white margin, corners minimally bumped, small tear on verso of paper in left edge, otherwise a fine tonal print in very good condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4335
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025
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