Title: Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Illustrated with Over One Hundred Engravings. A Tourist's Guide to the Yo-semite Valley, The Big Tree Groves...The Quicksilver Mines of New Almaden and Henriquita-Mount Shasta-The Farallone Islands...Lake Tahoe, and Other Places of Interest... Author: Hutchings, J[ames] M[ason] Place: New York and San Francisco Publisher: A. Roman and Co. Date: 1870 Description: 292 + [4] ad pp. Illustrated with approximately 100 wood engravings throughout the text. 8¼x6, original green cloth, lettered in gilt. Third Edition, first printing. Originally published in 1860. "Hutchings was editor and publisher of Hutchings' California Magazine, founded in 1856. This book is the first work to promote the natural beauty and scenery of California" - See Greenwood 1275 (citing first edition); Cowan p.300; Currey & Kruska 164; Farquhar 4f. Lot Amendments Condition: Light soiling, spine rubbed, ends and corners bumped; mild wear to endpapers, previous owner's rubberstamp on upper title page margin; else very good. Item number: 155095
Title: Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Illustrated with Over One Hundred Engravings. A Tourist's Guide to the Yo-semite Valley, The Big Tree Groves...The Quicksilver Mines of New Almaden and Henriquita-Mount Shasta-The Farallone Islands...Lake Tahoe, and Other Places of Interest... Author: Hutchings, J[ames] M[ason] Place: New York and San Francisco Publisher: A. Roman and Co. Date: 1870 Description: 292 + [4] ad pp. Illustrated with approximately 100 wood engravings throughout the text. 8¼x6, original green cloth, lettered in gilt. Third Edition, first printing. Originally published in 1860. "Hutchings was editor and publisher of Hutchings' California Magazine, founded in 1856. This book is the first work to promote the natural beauty and scenery of California" - See Greenwood 1275 (citing first edition); Cowan p.300; Currey & Kruska 164; Farquhar 4f. Lot Amendments Condition: Light soiling, spine rubbed, ends and corners bumped; mild wear to endpapers, previous owner's rubberstamp on upper title page margin; else very good. Item number: 155095
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