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Auction archive: Lot number 434

Quentin Bell (1910-1996)Quentin Bell (1910-1996)Globular Jar

£700 - £1,000
ca. US$985 - US$1,408
Price realised:
ca. US$704
Auction archive: Lot number 434

Quentin Bell (1910-1996)Quentin Bell (1910-1996)Globular Jar

£700 - £1,000
ca. US$985 - US$1,408
Price realised:
ca. US$704

Quentin Bell (1910-1996) Globular Jar inscribed Fulham / Pottery / Quentin Bell; together with a Quentin Bell dish, stamped Fulham Pottery and inscribed Fulham Pottery / Quentin Bell; and a Bruce McLean dish, inscribed Fulham / Pottery / Bruce McLean Stoneware with an ivory and aubergine glaze The jar: 61⁄2 in. (16.7 cm.) high The Quentin Bell dish: 11 in. (28 cm.) diameter The Bruce McLean dish: 121⁄2 in. (31.5 cm.) diameter Please note this lot is the property of a private individual.

Auction archive: Lot number 434
15 Jun 2021
Auction house:
King Street, St. James's 8
London, SW1Y 6QT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7839 9060
+44 (0)20 73892869

Quentin Bell (1910-1996) Globular Jar inscribed Fulham / Pottery / Quentin Bell; together with a Quentin Bell dish, stamped Fulham Pottery and inscribed Fulham Pottery / Quentin Bell; and a Bruce McLean dish, inscribed Fulham / Pottery / Bruce McLean Stoneware with an ivory and aubergine glaze The jar: 61⁄2 in. (16.7 cm.) high The Quentin Bell dish: 11 in. (28 cm.) diameter The Bruce McLean dish: 121⁄2 in. (31.5 cm.) diameter Please note this lot is the property of a private individual.

Auction archive: Lot number 434
15 Jun 2021
Auction house:
King Street, St. James's 8
London, SW1Y 6QT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7839 9060
+44 (0)20 73892869
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