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Auction archive: Lot number 2440

Proof 1978 3rd. Anniversary of Correction Movement, set of two values and miniature sheet imperforate proofs, each on separate Bradbury, Wilkinson card, each endorsed "Approved subject to Arabic word for correction being amended - Memo 7-6-78" ; also...

Auction 07.12.2000
7 Dec 2000
£200 - £300
ca. US$292 - US$438
Price realised:
ca. US$168
Auction archive: Lot number 2440

Proof 1978 3rd. Anniversary of Correction Movement, set of two values and miniature sheet imperforate proofs, each on separate Bradbury, Wilkinson card, each endorsed "Approved subject to Arabic word for correction being amended - Memo 7-6-78" ; also...

Auction 07.12.2000
7 Dec 2000
£200 - £300
ca. US$292 - US$438
Price realised:
ca. US$168

Proof 1978 3rd. Anniversary of Correction Movement, set of two values and miniature sheet imperforate proofs, each on separate Bradbury, Wilkinson card, each endorsed "Approved subject to Arabic word for correction being amended - Memo 7-6-78" ; also two sets of two values and miniature sheet imperforate proofs, each on separate John Waddington card; nine proofs in all on nine cards involving two printers; also spectacular artwork for the 25f. and 75f., and artwork for the miniature sheet and for an unissued design; a very useful lot

Auction archive: Lot number 2440
7 Dec 2000
Auction house:
Spink London

Proof 1978 3rd. Anniversary of Correction Movement, set of two values and miniature sheet imperforate proofs, each on separate Bradbury, Wilkinson card, each endorsed "Approved subject to Arabic word for correction being amended - Memo 7-6-78" ; also two sets of two values and miniature sheet imperforate proofs, each on separate John Waddington card; nine proofs in all on nine cards involving two printers; also spectacular artwork for the 25f. and 75f., and artwork for the miniature sheet and for an unissued design; a very useful lot

Auction archive: Lot number 2440
7 Dec 2000
Auction house:
Spink London
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