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Auction archive: Lot number 2179

Proof 1969-77 ½c. 2½c., 3c., 4c. and 15c. imperforate proofs on card, the first three approved, and additional prooofs of the 4c. and 15c. in slightly brighter colours affixed on further card marked "Approved" ; 1c. (unissued) and 10c. imperforate pr...

Auction 07.12.2000
7 Dec 2000
£200 - £250
ca. US$292 - US$365
Price realised:
ca. US$1,345
Auction archive: Lot number 2179

Proof 1969-77 ½c. 2½c., 3c., 4c. and 15c. imperforate proofs on card, the first three approved, and additional prooofs of the 4c. and 15c. in slightly brighter colours affixed on further card marked "Approved" ; 1c. (unissued) and 10c. imperforate pr...

Auction 07.12.2000
7 Dec 2000
£200 - £250
ca. US$292 - US$365
Price realised:
ca. US$1,345

Proof 1969-77 ½c. 2½c., 3c., 4c. and 15c. imperforate proofs on card, the first three approved, and additional prooofs of the 4c. and 15c. in slightly brighter colours affixed on further card marked "Approved" ; 1c. (unissued) and 10c. imperforate proofs affixed to card marked "As submitted 16 July 1975" ; also 1978 25c. essay comprising 1969 issued 2½c. with surcharge mica overlay, affixed to small card marked "As sub 15/2/77"

Auction archive: Lot number 2179
7 Dec 2000
Auction house:
Spink London

Proof 1969-77 ½c. 2½c., 3c., 4c. and 15c. imperforate proofs on card, the first three approved, and additional prooofs of the 4c. and 15c. in slightly brighter colours affixed on further card marked "Approved" ; 1c. (unissued) and 10c. imperforate proofs affixed to card marked "As submitted 16 July 1975" ; also 1978 25c. essay comprising 1969 issued 2½c. with surcharge mica overlay, affixed to small card marked "As sub 15/2/77"

Auction archive: Lot number 2179
7 Dec 2000
Auction house:
Spink London
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