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Auction archive: Lot number 235

Princeps. Ex Sylvestri Telii Fulginatis traductione diligenter emendata [...] [- Vindiciae contra tyrannos : sive De principis in populum, populiq[ue] in principem, legitima potestate, Stephano Junio Bruto Celta, auctore].

ca. US$433
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 235

Princeps. Ex Sylvestri Telii Fulginatis traductione diligenter emendata [...] [- Vindiciae contra tyrannos : sive De principis in populum, populiq[ue] in principem, legitima potestate, Stephano Junio Bruto Celta, auctore].

ca. US$433
Price realised:
n. a.

(Politique) - Ens. 3 ouvr. en 1 vol. in-8° - MACHIAVELLI, Niccolò.-   Princeps. Ex Sylvestri Telii Fulginatis traductione diligenter emendata [...] [- Vindiciae contra tyrannos : sive De principis in populum, populiq[ue] in principem, legitima potestate, Stephano Junio Bruto Celta, auctore]. S.L.,    S.N.,      1589. 2 works in 1 vol. in-8° : [16]-201-[7], 331-[4, portrait incl.] pp. (slightly browned, tear repaired on the first title-page, marginal dampstains). Contemporary binding : calf, boards decorated with fleurons (angulars and one in the center) encircled with blind fillets and one roll-stamp, ribbed spine with blind fillets (soiled and rubbed, small lack and wormholes on the upper board, turn ins lacking...). Translation by Sylvestre Tellio of Machiavelli's famous political "The Prince". Perhaps published in Bale by Pierre Perna like the two previous 1580 editions or in Montbéliard by Jakob Foillet as suggested by VD16. Accompanied as usually with the anonymous influential Huguenot tract "Vindiciae contra tyrannos" (1st ed. : 1579) of which the authorship is uncertain but is usually attributed to Théodore de Bèze, Hubert Languet or more probably to Philippe de Mornay. This work published in the Wake of the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre studies the response of the people to their king through four questions (Are they used to obey ? Can they resist to their king when he breaks the divine law ? When he breaks the commonwealth ? Can foreign princes legally support a popular rising against a king ?). With the full-page portrait of Machiavelli at the end and ornemental initial letters. # Adams M-49; # USTC 677991; # VD16 M-11; # not in Machiels nor in Soltész. BOUND WITH, by Machiavelli : Disputationum de Republica, quas discursus nuncupavit, libri III [...]. Ex italica latinè facti. Mompelgarti [Montbéliard], per Jacobum Folietum, 1588, [16]-654 pp. (same condition but with some larger dampstains). Reflexion, based on the first ten books of Titus Livy, on the history of early Ancient Rome presented as a lesson on how a Republic should be started and structured; # USTC 110217, # not in Adams, Machiels, Soltész. Provenance : Julius Friedrich Wolfskeel von Reichenberg (1628-1703), Chief counselor of the Court of Brandenburg-Ansbach (handwritten mention). -- Traduction par Sylvestre Tellio du Prince de Machiavel, suivi du traité huguenot "Vindiciae contra tyrannos". Relié avec une réflexion politique de Machiavel sur la république. Plein vélin de l'ép. (lég. bruni, mouill. surtout marg., rel. défraîchie et frottée).

Auction archive: Lot number 235
17 Mar 2015
Auction house:
Librairie Henri Godts
Avenue Louise 230
1050 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 6478548
+32 (0)2 6407332

(Politique) - Ens. 3 ouvr. en 1 vol. in-8° - MACHIAVELLI, Niccolò.-   Princeps. Ex Sylvestri Telii Fulginatis traductione diligenter emendata [...] [- Vindiciae contra tyrannos : sive De principis in populum, populiq[ue] in principem, legitima potestate, Stephano Junio Bruto Celta, auctore]. S.L.,    S.N.,      1589. 2 works in 1 vol. in-8° : [16]-201-[7], 331-[4, portrait incl.] pp. (slightly browned, tear repaired on the first title-page, marginal dampstains). Contemporary binding : calf, boards decorated with fleurons (angulars and one in the center) encircled with blind fillets and one roll-stamp, ribbed spine with blind fillets (soiled and rubbed, small lack and wormholes on the upper board, turn ins lacking...). Translation by Sylvestre Tellio of Machiavelli's famous political "The Prince". Perhaps published in Bale by Pierre Perna like the two previous 1580 editions or in Montbéliard by Jakob Foillet as suggested by VD16. Accompanied as usually with the anonymous influential Huguenot tract "Vindiciae contra tyrannos" (1st ed. : 1579) of which the authorship is uncertain but is usually attributed to Théodore de Bèze, Hubert Languet or more probably to Philippe de Mornay. This work published in the Wake of the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre studies the response of the people to their king through four questions (Are they used to obey ? Can they resist to their king when he breaks the divine law ? When he breaks the commonwealth ? Can foreign princes legally support a popular rising against a king ?). With the full-page portrait of Machiavelli at the end and ornemental initial letters. # Adams M-49; # USTC 677991; # VD16 M-11; # not in Machiels nor in Soltész. BOUND WITH, by Machiavelli : Disputationum de Republica, quas discursus nuncupavit, libri III [...]. Ex italica latinè facti. Mompelgarti [Montbéliard], per Jacobum Folietum, 1588, [16]-654 pp. (same condition but with some larger dampstains). Reflexion, based on the first ten books of Titus Livy, on the history of early Ancient Rome presented as a lesson on how a Republic should be started and structured; # USTC 110217, # not in Adams, Machiels, Soltész. Provenance : Julius Friedrich Wolfskeel von Reichenberg (1628-1703), Chief counselor of the Court of Brandenburg-Ansbach (handwritten mention). -- Traduction par Sylvestre Tellio du Prince de Machiavel, suivi du traité huguenot "Vindiciae contra tyrannos". Relié avec une réflexion politique de Machiavel sur la république. Plein vélin de l'ép. (lég. bruni, mouill. surtout marg., rel. défraîchie et frottée).

Auction archive: Lot number 235
17 Mar 2015
Auction house:
Librairie Henri Godts
Avenue Louise 230
1050 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 6478548
+32 (0)2 6407332
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