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Auction archive: Lot number 240

Pietro Ermanno Iaia 1933 DELITTO IN SILENZIO

Vintage Posters
19 Jun 2019
€500 - €800
ca. US$559 - US$895
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 240

Pietro Ermanno Iaia 1933 DELITTO IN SILENZIO

Vintage Posters
19 Jun 2019
€500 - €800
ca. US$559 - US$895
Price realised:
n. a.

Pietro Ermanno Iaia 1933 Executive original art for a window-card. 1975. Cm 49x34. Unsigned but commonly attribuited to Iaia’s hand. Original British title was: “The spiral staircase” starring Christopher Plummer, Jacqueline Bisset and John Philip Law. Quality: A. Excellent and fresh.

Auction archive: Lot number 240
19 Jun 2019
Auction house:
Cambi Casa d'Aste
Castello Mackenzie Mura di san Bartolomeo 16c 16
16122 Genova
+39 010 8395029
+39 010 879482

Pietro Ermanno Iaia 1933 Executive original art for a window-card. 1975. Cm 49x34. Unsigned but commonly attribuited to Iaia’s hand. Original British title was: “The spiral staircase” starring Christopher Plummer, Jacqueline Bisset and John Philip Law. Quality: A. Excellent and fresh.

Auction archive: Lot number 240
19 Jun 2019
Auction house:
Cambi Casa d'Aste
Castello Mackenzie Mura di san Bartolomeo 16c 16
16122 Genova
+39 010 8395029
+39 010 879482
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