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Auction archive: Lot number 4112

Aviation I. Internationale Luftfahrt Ausstellung (ILA), ...

ca. US$897
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 4112

Aviation I. Internationale Luftfahrt Ausstellung (ILA), ...

ca. US$897
Price realised:
n. a.

Photographer: Willy Ruge (1892 - 1961). I. Internationale Luftfahrt Ausstellung (ILA), Berlin. 1928. 9 vintage gelatin silver prints. Each circa 13 x 18 cm. Most with photographer's stamp and typed press text label on the verso. Some images show innovative aviation technology, especially of the new Junkers planes, such as the first Autopilot developed by the engineer Boykow (portrait), two very rare and interesting images showing the newly developed endurance testing for planes and one portrait of Edmund Rumpler (1872 - 1940) with a model of a new seaplane. – A few with slightly bumped corners, some slightly discolored, otherwise in very good condition. With: Newspaper article of 1977 about the aviation pioneer Hans Burkhard .

Auction archive: Lot number 4112
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025

Photographer: Willy Ruge (1892 - 1961). I. Internationale Luftfahrt Ausstellung (ILA), Berlin. 1928. 9 vintage gelatin silver prints. Each circa 13 x 18 cm. Most with photographer's stamp and typed press text label on the verso. Some images show innovative aviation technology, especially of the new Junkers planes, such as the first Autopilot developed by the engineer Boykow (portrait), two very rare and interesting images showing the newly developed endurance testing for planes and one portrait of Edmund Rumpler (1872 - 1940) with a model of a new seaplane. – A few with slightly bumped corners, some slightly discolored, otherwise in very good condition. With: Newspaper article of 1977 about the aviation pioneer Hans Burkhard .

Auction archive: Lot number 4112
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025
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