[Palmer (Sir Thomas)] An Essay of the Meanes how to make our Travailes, into forraine Countries, the more profitable and honourable, first edition, woodcut title device, head-pieces and initials, 4 folding tables, the second and third with repaired tears and partially backed with old paper, title neatly mounted on stub, F2 to end with minor worming to outer margin, occasionally touching printed sidenotes, occasional light spotting, ink stamp to 'A2' (but A3), bookplate to pastedown, 20th century half morocco, [STC 19156], small 4to, Imprinted, by H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Mathew Lownes, 1606. ⁂ "Here Palmer discuses the advantages of foreign travel, and some of the political and commercial principles which the traveller should understand" - DNB. Provenance: Advocates' Library, Edinburgh (now the National Library of Scotland, ink 'duplicate' stamp); Paul Wansborough (bookplate).
[Palmer (Sir Thomas)] An Essay of the Meanes how to make our Travailes, into forraine Countries, the more profitable and honourable, first edition, woodcut title device, head-pieces and initials, 4 folding tables, the second and third with repaired tears and partially backed with old paper, title neatly mounted on stub, F2 to end with minor worming to outer margin, occasionally touching printed sidenotes, occasional light spotting, ink stamp to 'A2' (but A3), bookplate to pastedown, 20th century half morocco, [STC 19156], small 4to, Imprinted, by H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Mathew Lownes, 1606. ⁂ "Here Palmer discuses the advantages of foreign travel, and some of the political and commercial principles which the traveller should understand" - DNB. Provenance: Advocates' Library, Edinburgh (now the National Library of Scotland, ink 'duplicate' stamp); Paul Wansborough (bookplate).
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