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Auction archive: Lot number 477

Miscellaneous, Wales, a collection of

£150 - £200
ca. US$229 - US$306
Price realised:
ca. US$735
Auction archive: Lot number 477

Miscellaneous, Wales, a collection of

£150 - £200
ca. US$229 - US$306
Price realised:
ca. US$735

Miscellaneous, Wales, a collection of issued, cancelled, specimen and souvenir notes (57), 1969-72, from Chief Treasury of Wales and Black Sheep Company of Wales, including Ten Shillings, One Pound, Five Pounds and Ten Pounds, payable on demand, all stamped CANCELLED 29 APR 1969, plus unissued cheque/bill of exchange and a few press cuttings; North and South Wales Bank, Five Pounds, Mold, three-quarter proof on paper, ‘To This March 19.08’ pencilled on right side; unissued cheque with counterfoil, 189–, Bishops Castle; Bank of South Wales, issued cheque, 1866; modern copies of Aberystwyth & Tregaron Bank One Pound and Patagonia, One Pound; Chipping Sodbury Treasury, cancelled One Pound and Five Pounds, c. 1985 [Lot]. Generally good extremely fine to uncirculated £150-200 Footnote Provenance: R. Harrod Collection

Auction archive: Lot number 477
13 Apr 2010
Auction house:
Dix Noonan Webb
16 Bolton St, Mayfair
London, W1J 8BQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7016 1700
+44 (0)20 7016 1799

Miscellaneous, Wales, a collection of issued, cancelled, specimen and souvenir notes (57), 1969-72, from Chief Treasury of Wales and Black Sheep Company of Wales, including Ten Shillings, One Pound, Five Pounds and Ten Pounds, payable on demand, all stamped CANCELLED 29 APR 1969, plus unissued cheque/bill of exchange and a few press cuttings; North and South Wales Bank, Five Pounds, Mold, three-quarter proof on paper, ‘To This March 19.08’ pencilled on right side; unissued cheque with counterfoil, 189–, Bishops Castle; Bank of South Wales, issued cheque, 1866; modern copies of Aberystwyth & Tregaron Bank One Pound and Patagonia, One Pound; Chipping Sodbury Treasury, cancelled One Pound and Five Pounds, c. 1985 [Lot]. Generally good extremely fine to uncirculated £150-200 Footnote Provenance: R. Harrod Collection

Auction archive: Lot number 477
13 Apr 2010
Auction house:
Dix Noonan Webb
16 Bolton St, Mayfair
London, W1J 8BQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7016 1700
+44 (0)20 7016 1799
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