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Auction archive: Lot number 62/2342

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. Wercken

Auction 19.05.2015
19 May 2015 - 22 May 2015
€60 - €80
ca. US$66 - US$89
Price realised:
ca. US$94
Auction archive: Lot number 62/2342

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. Wercken

Auction 19.05.2015
19 May 2015 - 22 May 2015
€60 - €80
ca. US$66 - US$89
Price realised:
ca. US$94

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. Wercken der genees-konste, Bestaende in den schat der gesontheyt, schat der ongesontheyt, heel-konste; (...). Amst., J.J. Schipper, rev. enl. ed., in , engr. frontisp., woodcut printer's vignettes and engr. title-vignettes, num. ills., contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to. - Mediocre copy w. all prelim. lvs. (incl. frontisp.) frayed/ dam. in lower corner, lacking frontcover and backstrip dam. Sold w.a.f. = Krivatsy BMN I, p. Hirsch I, p.2nd edition of this popular medicinal manual by the erudite Van Beverwijck, friend of the poet J. Cats, whose poems are found throughout the book. Among his remarkable observations we find descriptions of cirrhosis (gin-drinker's liver), artificial teeth and epileptic children due to alcoholism. The work also contains a chapter on tobacco (Arents with reproduction of the half-p. engr. of Dutch smokers). With the title of earlier editions on the frontispiece: "Alle de wercken, zo in de medicyne als chirurgie." AND W. FRIEBOES, Atlas der Haut- und Geschlechts-Krankheiten. Zugleich ein Lehrbuch (Leipsic, in , (col.) ills. on orig. unif. cl., 4to) and J.J. PENNINK, (Gezondheidsleer voor het volk) ((Amst., , contemp. boards w. gilt "Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen" on frontcover. Lacks htitle and title-p.). Call for price

Auction archive: Lot number 62/2342
19 May 2015 - 22 May 2015
Auction house:
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. Wercken der genees-konste, Bestaende in den schat der gesontheyt, schat der ongesontheyt, heel-konste; (...). Amst., J.J. Schipper, rev. enl. ed., in , engr. frontisp., woodcut printer's vignettes and engr. title-vignettes, num. ills., contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to. - Mediocre copy w. all prelim. lvs. (incl. frontisp.) frayed/ dam. in lower corner, lacking frontcover and backstrip dam. Sold w.a.f. = Krivatsy BMN I, p. Hirsch I, p.2nd edition of this popular medicinal manual by the erudite Van Beverwijck, friend of the poet J. Cats, whose poems are found throughout the book. Among his remarkable observations we find descriptions of cirrhosis (gin-drinker's liver), artificial teeth and epileptic children due to alcoholism. The work also contains a chapter on tobacco (Arents with reproduction of the half-p. engr. of Dutch smokers). With the title of earlier editions on the frontispiece: "Alle de wercken, zo in de medicyne als chirurgie." AND W. FRIEBOES, Atlas der Haut- und Geschlechts-Krankheiten. Zugleich ein Lehrbuch (Leipsic, in , (col.) ills. on orig. unif. cl., 4to) and J.J. PENNINK, (Gezondheidsleer voor het volk) ((Amst., , contemp. boards w. gilt "Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen" on frontcover. Lacks htitle and title-p.). Call for price

Auction archive: Lot number 62/2342
19 May 2015 - 22 May 2015
Auction house:
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem
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