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Auction archive: Lot number 63/3609

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van

Auction 24.11.2015
24 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015
€150 - €250
ca. US$161 - US$268
Price realised:
ca. US$246
Auction archive: Lot number 63/3609

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van

Auction 24.11.2015
24 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015
€150 - €250
ca. US$161 - US$268
Price realised:
ca. US$246

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. [Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. Wercken der Genees-konste, Bestaende in den schat der gesontheyt, schat der ongesontheyt, heel-konste; Mitsgaders Eenige Tractaten (...). Amst., Wed. J.J. Schipper, rev. enl. ed., in , engr. frontisp., engrs., num. engr. textills., contemp. vellum, 4to. - Contemp. owner's entry on upper pastedown; occas. vaguely waterstained in upper margin; lower hinge weak. Upper joint starting at top of spine; vellum sl. soiled. A fine copy. = Wellcome II, Baumann p.medicinal manual by the erudite Van Beverwijck, friend of the poet J. Cats, whose poems are found throughout the book. With the title of earlier editions on the frontispiece: "Alle de wercken, zo in de medicyne als chirurgie." Call for price

Auction archive: Lot number 63/3609
24 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015
Auction house:
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem

Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. [Medicine]. Beverwijck, J. van. Wercken der Genees-konste, Bestaende in den schat der gesontheyt, schat der ongesontheyt, heel-konste; Mitsgaders Eenige Tractaten (...). Amst., Wed. J.J. Schipper, rev. enl. ed., in , engr. frontisp., engrs., num. engr. textills., contemp. vellum, 4to. - Contemp. owner's entry on upper pastedown; occas. vaguely waterstained in upper margin; lower hinge weak. Upper joint starting at top of spine; vellum sl. soiled. A fine copy. = Wellcome II, Baumann p.medicinal manual by the erudite Van Beverwijck, friend of the poet J. Cats, whose poems are found throughout the book. With the title of earlier editions on the frontispiece: "Alle de wercken, zo in de medicyne als chirurgie." Call for price

Auction archive: Lot number 63/3609
24 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015
Auction house:
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem
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