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Auction archive: Lot number 320

MAGUIRE, THOMAS H. Eight superb

US$800 - US$1,200
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 320

MAGUIRE, THOMAS H. Eight superb

US$800 - US$1,200
Price realised:

MAGUIRE, THOMAS H. Eight superb portraits of 19th century natural historians, scientists, and explorers, lithographs on India, mounted on card, separately issued as part of Maguire's famous series "Portraits of the Honorary Members of the Ipswich Museum". 610x450 mm sheet size; mounts foxed, some with wear at edges, Ipswich Museum blindstamps. [Np, circa 1850]

Auction archive: Lot number 320
4 Dec 2014
Auction house:
Swann Galleries, Inc.
104 East 25th Street
New York, NY 10010
United States
+1 (0)212 2544710
+1 (0)212 9791017

MAGUIRE, THOMAS H. Eight superb portraits of 19th century natural historians, scientists, and explorers, lithographs on India, mounted on card, separately issued as part of Maguire's famous series "Portraits of the Honorary Members of the Ipswich Museum". 610x450 mm sheet size; mounts foxed, some with wear at edges, Ipswich Museum blindstamps. [Np, circa 1850]

Auction archive: Lot number 320
4 Dec 2014
Auction house:
Swann Galleries, Inc.
104 East 25th Street
New York, NY 10010
United States
+1 (0)212 2544710
+1 (0)212 9791017
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