LOCKWOOD, M. The labyrinth of time. Introducing the universe. (2005). -- J. SILK. On the shores of the unknown. A short history of the universe. (2005). -- G. BERTONE. Behind the scenes of the universe. From the Higgs to dark matter. (2013). -- N. DEGRASSE TYSON, (a.o.). Welcome to the universe. An astrophysical tour. (2016). Lge-8°. -- I. NICOLSON. Dark side of the universe. Dark matter, dark energy, and the fate of the cosmos. (2007). 4°. -- 5 vols. Or. binds. w. dust-j. -- And 18 o. (23).
LOCKWOOD, M. The labyrinth of time. Introducing the universe. (2005). -- J. SILK. On the shores of the unknown. A short history of the universe. (2005). -- G. BERTONE. Behind the scenes of the universe. From the Higgs to dark matter. (2013). -- N. DEGRASSE TYSON, (a.o.). Welcome to the universe. An astrophysical tour. (2016). Lge-8°. -- I. NICOLSON. Dark side of the universe. Dark matter, dark energy, and the fate of the cosmos. (2007). 4°. -- 5 vols. Or. binds. w. dust-j. -- And 18 o. (23).
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