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Auction archive: Lot number 177

LINDLEY, John (1799-1865), editor. The Pomological Magazine; or, figures and descriptions of the most important varieties of fruit cultivated in Great Britain . London: James Ridgway, 1828-1830 [-1839].

Auction 13.06.2002
13 Jun 2002
£4,000 - £6,000
ca. US$5,933 - US$8,900
Price realised:
ca. US$13,294
Auction archive: Lot number 177

LINDLEY, John (1799-1865), editor. The Pomological Magazine; or, figures and descriptions of the most important varieties of fruit cultivated in Great Britain . London: James Ridgway, 1828-1830 [-1839].

Auction 13.06.2002
13 Jun 2002
£4,000 - £6,000
ca. US$5,933 - US$8,900
Price realised:
ca. US$13,294

LINDLEY, John (1799-1865), editor. The Pomological Magazine; or, figures and descriptions of the most important varieties of fruit cultivated in Great Britain . London: James Ridgway, 1828-1830 [-1839]. 3 volumes, 8° (240 x 150mm). 152 hand-coloured engraved plates, 4 folding, by S. Watts and W. Clark after Mrs Augusta I. Withers and Charles M. Curtis, many heightened with gum arabic. (Very occasional light spotting, mostly marginal, affecting only a few plates, clean cut along fold of plate 34, not affecting image.) Contemporary green morocco gilt, gilt edges. A fine copy of Lindley's important Pomona. Lindley's fellow member of the Royal Horticultural Society, its pomologist Robert Thompson provided the core of the text. The Magazine was published 'in the hope of protecting the public... a nurseryman not possessing a variety is no proof that it is undeserving... although it may be an evidence of his own want of enterprise' ( Pomona's Harvest , p.306). The work was reissued in 1841 as Lindley's Pomologia Britannica . Great Flower Books , p.114; Nissen 2355a; Pritzel 5365. (3)

Auction archive: Lot number 177
13 Jun 2002
Auction house:
London, King Street

LINDLEY, John (1799-1865), editor. The Pomological Magazine; or, figures and descriptions of the most important varieties of fruit cultivated in Great Britain . London: James Ridgway, 1828-1830 [-1839]. 3 volumes, 8° (240 x 150mm). 152 hand-coloured engraved plates, 4 folding, by S. Watts and W. Clark after Mrs Augusta I. Withers and Charles M. Curtis, many heightened with gum arabic. (Very occasional light spotting, mostly marginal, affecting only a few plates, clean cut along fold of plate 34, not affecting image.) Contemporary green morocco gilt, gilt edges. A fine copy of Lindley's important Pomona. Lindley's fellow member of the Royal Horticultural Society, its pomologist Robert Thompson provided the core of the text. The Magazine was published 'in the hope of protecting the public... a nurseryman not possessing a variety is no proof that it is undeserving... although it may be an evidence of his own want of enterprise' ( Pomona's Harvest , p.306). The work was reissued in 1841 as Lindley's Pomologia Britannica . Great Flower Books , p.114; Nissen 2355a; Pritzel 5365. (3)

Auction archive: Lot number 177
13 Jun 2002
Auction house:
London, King Street
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