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Auction archive: Lot number 4263

Lendvai-Dircksen, Erna Portraits of young girls in traditional costume

ca. US$672
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 4263

Lendvai-Dircksen, Erna Portraits of young girls in traditional costume

ca. US$672
Price realised:
n. a.

Portraits of young girls in traditional costume. 1950s. 2 vintage chromogenic prints on Agfa paper. 39,5 x 28 cm and 36 x 25,5 cm. Each with estate stamp on the verso. Born in Wetterburg, Erna Dircksen studied painting at the Kunsthochschule Kassel from 1903 to 1905, and photography at the Lette Verein in Berlin from 1910 to 1911. From 1916 to 1943, she had a portrait studio in Berlin. By 1918 she had a growing reputation, particularly for her nude photography, using a highly realistic style. Already in 1911, she had become interested in portraying the country people of Germany. In her writings she later expressed a highly romantic view of rural life and contempt for urban life. Beginning in 1917, she made a series of photo-portraits of Germans of different regions, a selection of which won first prize at an exhibition in Frankfurt in 1926 and later published in books and magazines. – Larger print with light crease in upper left corner, colors slightly shifted, otherwise in excellent condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4263
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025

Portraits of young girls in traditional costume. 1950s. 2 vintage chromogenic prints on Agfa paper. 39,5 x 28 cm and 36 x 25,5 cm. Each with estate stamp on the verso. Born in Wetterburg, Erna Dircksen studied painting at the Kunsthochschule Kassel from 1903 to 1905, and photography at the Lette Verein in Berlin from 1910 to 1911. From 1916 to 1943, she had a portrait studio in Berlin. By 1918 she had a growing reputation, particularly for her nude photography, using a highly realistic style. Already in 1911, she had become interested in portraying the country people of Germany. In her writings she later expressed a highly romantic view of rural life and contempt for urban life. Beginning in 1917, she made a series of photo-portraits of Germans of different regions, a selection of which won first prize at an exhibition in Frankfurt in 1926 and later published in books and magazines. – Larger print with light crease in upper left corner, colors slightly shifted, otherwise in excellent condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4263
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025
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