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Auction archive: Lot number 13

LAW -- GRASSI, Francesco (d 1544) De origine iuris Mediolane...

Fine Printed Books
21 Mar 2012
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,265 - US$1,898
Price realised:
ca. US$1,879
Auction archive: Lot number 13

LAW -- GRASSI, Francesco (d 1544) De origine iuris Mediolane...

Fine Printed Books
21 Mar 2012
£800 - £1,200
ca. US$1,265 - US$1,898
Price realised:
ca. US$1,879

LAW -- GRASSI, Francesco (d. 1544). De origine iuris Mediolanensis in utroque iure licentiati libellus . Milan: Vincentius Gallus, 1544. [ Bound with :] -- Constitutiones dominii mediolanensis . Milan: Vincentius Medas, 1541. (Possibly lacking a blank leaf.) [ And :] -- Ordines iussu excellentissimi senatus nuper impressi . Milan: Giovanni Antonio degli Antoni 1574. [ And :] -- Nova additio decretorum . Milan: Antonius Antonianus, 1575. (Lacking F1-F2). 4 works bound in one volume, 2° (296 x 208mm). (Waterstaining, small wormholes and soiling.) Contemporary limp vellum (a few chips and some stains). Provenance : Giovanni Matteo Mangini? (ownership inscription) -- contemporary annotations.
LAW -- GRASSI, Francesco (d. 1544). De origine iuris Mediolanensis in utroque iure licentiati libellus . Milan: Vincentius Gallus, 1544. [ Bound with :] -- Constitutiones dominii mediolanensis . Milan: Vincentius Medas, 1541. (Possibly lacking a blank leaf.) [ And :] -- Ordines iussu excellentissimi senatus nuper impressi . Milan: Giovanni Antonio degli Antoni 1574. [ And :] -- Nova additio decretorum . Milan: Antonius Antonianus, 1575. (Lacking F1-F2). 4 works bound in one volume, 2° (296 x 208mm). (Waterstaining, small wormholes and soiling.) Contemporary limp vellum (a few chips and some stains). Provenance : Giovanni Matteo Mangini? (ownership inscription) -- contemporary annotations. A series of works on Milanese law including the SECOND EDITION of De origine iuris mediolanensis edited by Francesco Grassi. The new Milanese constitution, which was in force throughout the 18th century, was ordered by Francesco II Sforza and first approved on August 27 of 1541 when a first edition of Grassi's work was published. Bound at the end of the present volume are a series of related printed documents on 23 leaves and manuscript transcriptions on 24 leaves.

Auction archive: Lot number 13
21 Mar 2012
Auction house:
21 March 2012, London, South Kensington

LAW -- GRASSI, Francesco (d. 1544). De origine iuris Mediolanensis in utroque iure licentiati libellus . Milan: Vincentius Gallus, 1544. [ Bound with :] -- Constitutiones dominii mediolanensis . Milan: Vincentius Medas, 1541. (Possibly lacking a blank leaf.) [ And :] -- Ordines iussu excellentissimi senatus nuper impressi . Milan: Giovanni Antonio degli Antoni 1574. [ And :] -- Nova additio decretorum . Milan: Antonius Antonianus, 1575. (Lacking F1-F2). 4 works bound in one volume, 2° (296 x 208mm). (Waterstaining, small wormholes and soiling.) Contemporary limp vellum (a few chips and some stains). Provenance : Giovanni Matteo Mangini? (ownership inscription) -- contemporary annotations.
LAW -- GRASSI, Francesco (d. 1544). De origine iuris Mediolanensis in utroque iure licentiati libellus . Milan: Vincentius Gallus, 1544. [ Bound with :] -- Constitutiones dominii mediolanensis . Milan: Vincentius Medas, 1541. (Possibly lacking a blank leaf.) [ And :] -- Ordines iussu excellentissimi senatus nuper impressi . Milan: Giovanni Antonio degli Antoni 1574. [ And :] -- Nova additio decretorum . Milan: Antonius Antonianus, 1575. (Lacking F1-F2). 4 works bound in one volume, 2° (296 x 208mm). (Waterstaining, small wormholes and soiling.) Contemporary limp vellum (a few chips and some stains). Provenance : Giovanni Matteo Mangini? (ownership inscription) -- contemporary annotations. A series of works on Milanese law including the SECOND EDITION of De origine iuris mediolanensis edited by Francesco Grassi. The new Milanese constitution, which was in force throughout the 18th century, was ordered by Francesco II Sforza and first approved on August 27 of 1541 when a first edition of Grassi's work was published. Bound at the end of the present volume are a series of related printed documents on 23 leaves and manuscript transcriptions on 24 leaves.

Auction archive: Lot number 13
21 Mar 2012
Auction house:
21 March 2012, London, South Kensington
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