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Auction archive: Lot number 2404

Late Indian Wars Era Cabinet Card Portraits of Officers

n. a.
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 2404

Late Indian Wars Era Cabinet Card Portraits of Officers

n. a.
Price realised:

Lot of 25. Includes a ca 1896 photo of Capt. R.A. Maxfield on a white Seckner, Fort Collins, Colo. card; a photo on white Smith stock showing a Chicago address with Casey ink inscribed on verso; and a photo of an unidentified cavalry officer on a G.W. Pach card, ca 1880. The other 22 cabinet cards are all anonymously published on plain white stock and include: two 1st Lt. Wm. H. Bixby, Engnrs's #13, ca 1876; one 1st Lt. Frank Baker, 13th Inf., ca 1875; one 1st Lt. Albert Payson, ca 1872; one 2nd Lt. Otto Hein, 1st Cav., n.d.; one 1st Lt. Carl F. Palfrey, Engineers, ca 1875; one 1st Lt. John C. Mallery, Engineers, ca 1872; one 2nd Lt. Eugene Griffin, Engineers, ca 1875; one 2nd Lt. Wm. T. Rossell, Engineers, ca 1873; one 2nd Lt. Ira MacNutt, 3rd Artillery, ca 1872; one 1st Lt. John G.D. Knight, Engineers, ca 1872; two 1st Lt. David A. Lyle, Ordnance Dept, ca 1875; two 2nd Lt. Daniel M. Taylor, 1st Artillery, ca 1872; two 1st Lt. Samuel Tillman, Engineers, ca 1873; one 2nd Lt. Orin B. Mitcham, 4th Artillery, ca 1875; one 2nd Lt. Geo. Breckenridge Davis, 5th Cav., ca 1872; and two 1st Lt. Eric Bergland, Engineers, ca 1872. Condition: Good-to-very good.

Auction archive: Lot number 2404
16 Dec 2012
Auction house:
Cowan's Auctions, Inc.
Este Ave 6270
Cincinnati OH 45232
United States
+1 (0)513 8711670
+1 (0)513 8718670

Lot of 25. Includes a ca 1896 photo of Capt. R.A. Maxfield on a white Seckner, Fort Collins, Colo. card; a photo on white Smith stock showing a Chicago address with Casey ink inscribed on verso; and a photo of an unidentified cavalry officer on a G.W. Pach card, ca 1880. The other 22 cabinet cards are all anonymously published on plain white stock and include: two 1st Lt. Wm. H. Bixby, Engnrs's #13, ca 1876; one 1st Lt. Frank Baker, 13th Inf., ca 1875; one 1st Lt. Albert Payson, ca 1872; one 2nd Lt. Otto Hein, 1st Cav., n.d.; one 1st Lt. Carl F. Palfrey, Engineers, ca 1875; one 1st Lt. John C. Mallery, Engineers, ca 1872; one 2nd Lt. Eugene Griffin, Engineers, ca 1875; one 2nd Lt. Wm. T. Rossell, Engineers, ca 1873; one 2nd Lt. Ira MacNutt, 3rd Artillery, ca 1872; one 1st Lt. John G.D. Knight, Engineers, ca 1872; two 1st Lt. David A. Lyle, Ordnance Dept, ca 1875; two 2nd Lt. Daniel M. Taylor, 1st Artillery, ca 1872; two 1st Lt. Samuel Tillman, Engineers, ca 1873; one 2nd Lt. Orin B. Mitcham, 4th Artillery, ca 1875; one 2nd Lt. Geo. Breckenridge Davis, 5th Cav., ca 1872; and two 1st Lt. Eric Bergland, Engineers, ca 1872. Condition: Good-to-very good.

Auction archive: Lot number 2404
16 Dec 2012
Auction house:
Cowan's Auctions, Inc.
Este Ave 6270
Cincinnati OH 45232
United States
+1 (0)513 8711670
+1 (0)513 8718670
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