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Auction archive: Lot number 13

λ Lynn Chadwick (British 1914-2003), Maquette IX Beast

£6,000 - £8,000
ca. US$8,155 - US$10,874
Price realised:
ca. US$16,311
Auction archive: Lot number 13

λ Lynn Chadwick (British 1914-2003), Maquette IX Beast

£6,000 - £8,000
ca. US$8,155 - US$10,874
Price realised:
ca. US$16,311

λ Lynn Chadwick (British 1914-2003) Maquette IX Beast Bronze with a grey patina Signed with monogram, stamped 549, inscribed PE and numbered 0/4 (on the underside) 8 x 23cm (3 x 9 in.) Conceived in 1967. Literature: Dennis Farr & Eva Chadwick: Lynn Chadwick Sculptor, With a Complete Illustrated Catalogue 1947-2003, Farnham, 2014, p. 254, no. 549 (incorrectly illustrated as no. 550)

Auction archive: Lot number 13
12 Oct 2021
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880

λ Lynn Chadwick (British 1914-2003) Maquette IX Beast Bronze with a grey patina Signed with monogram, stamped 549, inscribed PE and numbered 0/4 (on the underside) 8 x 23cm (3 x 9 in.) Conceived in 1967. Literature: Dennis Farr & Eva Chadwick: Lynn Chadwick Sculptor, With a Complete Illustrated Catalogue 1947-2003, Farnham, 2014, p. 254, no. 549 (incorrectly illustrated as no. 550)

Auction archive: Lot number 13
12 Oct 2021
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880
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