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Auction archive: Lot number 4239

Johnston, Alfred Cheney Reclining female nude

ca. US$1,121
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 4239

Johnston, Alfred Cheney Reclining female nude

ca. US$1,121
Price realised:
n. a.

Reclining female nude. 1920s/printed later. Gelatin silver print. 27,5 x 35 cm. Photographer's stamp and annotated in pencil on the verso. Alfred Cheney Johnston the official photographer for the Ziegfield Follies in the 1910s - 1930s, was also named "Mr. Drape", referring to his penchant for draping famous beauties in an artful manner. – Edges minimally bumped, otherwise a rich tonal print in very good condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4239
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025

Reclining female nude. 1920s/printed later. Gelatin silver print. 27,5 x 35 cm. Photographer's stamp and annotated in pencil on the verso. Alfred Cheney Johnston the official photographer for the Ziegfield Follies in the 1910s - 1930s, was also named "Mr. Drape", referring to his penchant for draping famous beauties in an artful manner. – Edges minimally bumped, otherwise a rich tonal print in very good condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4239
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025
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