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Auction archive: Lot number 257

(John, poet and playwright, 1882-1937) Lake Winter, autograph manuscript signed, …

Auction 17.07.2014
17 Jul 2014
£200 - £250
ca. US$341 - US$426
Price realised:
ca. US$187
Auction archive: Lot number 257

(John, poet and playwright, 1882-1937) Lake Winter, autograph manuscript signed, …

Auction 17.07.2014
17 Jul 2014
£200 - £250
ca. US$341 - US$426
Price realised:
ca. US$187

(John, poet and playwright, 1882-1937) Lake Winter, autograph manuscript signed, 24pp., in pencil, slightly browned, handsomely bound in full original blue crushed and polished morocco, gilt spine, corners a little rubbed, 8vo, Summer 1921. *** Published in Preludes, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1922. Ink inscription by Drinkwater: "This is the original M.S. of the poem. Written at Winchelsea and Seal Chart [near Sevenoaks] Summer 1921. John Drinkwater."

Auction archive: Lot number 257
17 Jul 2014
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880

(John, poet and playwright, 1882-1937) Lake Winter, autograph manuscript signed, 24pp., in pencil, slightly browned, handsomely bound in full original blue crushed and polished morocco, gilt spine, corners a little rubbed, 8vo, Summer 1921. *** Published in Preludes, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1922. Ink inscription by Drinkwater: "This is the original M.S. of the poem. Written at Winchelsea and Seal Chart [near Sevenoaks] Summer 1921. John Drinkwater."

Auction archive: Lot number 257
17 Jul 2014
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880
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