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Auction archive: Lot number 217

(John, poet and playwight, 1882-1937) From the German: Verses Written From the German …

Auction 14.06.2012
14 Jun 2012
£200 - £300
ca. US$310 - US$466
Price realised:
ca. US$279
Auction archive: Lot number 217

(John, poet and playwight, 1882-1937) From the German: Verses Written From the German …

Auction 14.06.2012
14 Jun 2012
£200 - £300
ca. US$310 - US$466
Price realised:
ca. US$279

(John, poet and playwight, 1882-1937) From the German: Verses Written From the German Poets During a Summer Holiday in Germany, autograph manuscript signed "J.D.", title and 28pp. excluding blanks, original patterned boards, bookticket at end of Albrecht-Dürer-haus of Stuttgart on lower endpaper, later slip-case, 98 x 82mm., 1924. *** Inscription on dedication page reads: "For David [Daisy] from Jonathan [John Drinkwater] with loving memories written between August 25th and September 5th 1924 at Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Reutlingen." in the year that Drinkwater married his second wife, the violinist Daisy Fowler, daughter of Joseph Arthur Kennedy, schoolmaster, of Norwood, Adelaide, Australia, and formerly wife of Benno Moiseiwitsch, the Russian pianist.

Auction archive: Lot number 217
14 Jun 2012
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880

(John, poet and playwight, 1882-1937) From the German: Verses Written From the German Poets During a Summer Holiday in Germany, autograph manuscript signed "J.D.", title and 28pp. excluding blanks, original patterned boards, bookticket at end of Albrecht-Dürer-haus of Stuttgart on lower endpaper, later slip-case, 98 x 82mm., 1924. *** Inscription on dedication page reads: "For David [Daisy] from Jonathan [John Drinkwater] with loving memories written between August 25th and September 5th 1924 at Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Reutlingen." in the year that Drinkwater married his second wife, the violinist Daisy Fowler, daughter of Joseph Arthur Kennedy, schoolmaster, of Norwood, Adelaide, Australia, and formerly wife of Benno Moiseiwitsch, the Russian pianist.

Auction archive: Lot number 217
14 Jun 2012
Auction house:
Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions
16-17 Pall Mall
St James’s
London, SW1Y 5LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 78398880
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