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Auction archive: Lot number 1154

Inlaid and "Friesian"-carved and Inlaid Game BoxInlaid and "Friesian"-carved and Inlaid Game Box

US$400 - US$600
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 1154

Inlaid and "Friesian"-carved and Inlaid Game BoxInlaid and "Friesian"-carved and Inlaid Game Box

US$400 - US$600
Price realised:

Inlaid and "Friesian"-carved and Inlaid Game Box, probably Continental, late 18th century, the slide lid centering an incised oval inlaid with narrow bands flanked by similarly decorated floral devices, surrounded by a bone-inlaid cribbage board surface, opens to reveal a well with domino set, on a rectangular box with indented corners finely carved with hearts, quarterfans, and pinwheels, the underside carved with initials "PR," (minor wear), ht. 1 3/4, wd. 6 3/4, dp. 2 in.

Auction archive: Lot number 1154
12 May 2016
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429

Inlaid and "Friesian"-carved and Inlaid Game Box, probably Continental, late 18th century, the slide lid centering an incised oval inlaid with narrow bands flanked by similarly decorated floral devices, surrounded by a bone-inlaid cribbage board surface, opens to reveal a well with domino set, on a rectangular box with indented corners finely carved with hearts, quarterfans, and pinwheels, the underside carved with initials "PR," (minor wear), ht. 1 3/4, wd. 6 3/4, dp. 2 in.

Auction archive: Lot number 1154
12 May 2016
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429
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