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Auction archive: Lot number 12

Illustrated Notes of an Expedition through Mexico and CaliforniaJ.W. AUDUBON, 1852

US$60,000 - US$80,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 12

Illustrated Notes of an Expedition through Mexico and CaliforniaJ.W. AUDUBON, 1852

US$60,000 - US$80,000
Price realised:

Illustrated Notes of an Expedition through Mexico and California J.W. Audubon, 1852 AUDUBON, John Woodhouse (1812-1862). Illustrated Notes of an Expedition through Mexico and California. New York: J.W. Audubon, 1852. Folio (430 x 317mm). With four hand-colored lithographed plates, drawn by J.W. Audubon, on stone by E. Gildemeister, printed by Nagel & Weingaertner (text with some foxing/toning and a few marginal tears, last page browned, tiny repaired tear to left margin of each plate, a little buckling to plates near inner margin). Modern calf; morocco-backed solander box. Provenance: John Forster (armorial bookplate on verso of title-page) – James Strohm Copley, 1916-1973 (bookplate; his sale, Sotheby's New York, 5 October 2010, lot 780).

Auction archive: Lot number 12
16 Jun 2023
Auction house:
King Street, St. James's 8
London, SW1Y 6QT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7839 9060
+44 (0)20 73892869

Illustrated Notes of an Expedition through Mexico and California J.W. Audubon, 1852 AUDUBON, John Woodhouse (1812-1862). Illustrated Notes of an Expedition through Mexico and California. New York: J.W. Audubon, 1852. Folio (430 x 317mm). With four hand-colored lithographed plates, drawn by J.W. Audubon, on stone by E. Gildemeister, printed by Nagel & Weingaertner (text with some foxing/toning and a few marginal tears, last page browned, tiny repaired tear to left margin of each plate, a little buckling to plates near inner margin). Modern calf; morocco-backed solander box. Provenance: John Forster (armorial bookplate on verso of title-page) – James Strohm Copley, 1916-1973 (bookplate; his sale, Sotheby's New York, 5 October 2010, lot 780).

Auction archive: Lot number 12
16 Jun 2023
Auction house:
King Street, St. James's 8
London, SW1Y 6QT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7839 9060
+44 (0)20 73892869
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