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Auction archive: Lot number 117

HERMES Paris made in france Pendentif figurant un cube siglé d'un "H" en métal plaqué or et émail orange. Signé "Hermès". Dim.: 12...

€300 - €400
ca. US$404 - US$539
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 117

HERMES Paris made in france Pendentif figurant un cube siglé d'un "H" en métal plaqué or et émail orange. Signé "Hermès". Dim.: 12...

€300 - €400
ca. US$404 - US$539
Price realised:
n. a.

HERMES Paris made in france Pendentif figurant un cube siglé d'un "H" en métal plaqué or et émail orange. Signé "Hermès". Dim.: 12 mm. On y joint une paire de boucles d'oreilles en argent figurant un cube siglé d'un "H" en métal plaqué or et émail orange (dim: 80 mm), signée "Hermès Paris" Pendant representing a cube with a "H" in gilt metal hardware and orange emanel. Signed "Hermès". Dim.: 0.47 inch. Added to that, a silver pair of earrings epresenting a cube with a "H" in gilt metal hardware and orange emanel (dim.: 3.15 inches), signed "Hermès Paris"

Auction archive: Lot number 117
12 Nov 2013
Auction house:
7, rond-point des Champs-Élysées
75008 Paris
+33 (0)1 42992020

HERMES Paris made in france Pendentif figurant un cube siglé d'un "H" en métal plaqué or et émail orange. Signé "Hermès". Dim.: 12 mm. On y joint une paire de boucles d'oreilles en argent figurant un cube siglé d'un "H" en métal plaqué or et émail orange (dim: 80 mm), signée "Hermès Paris" Pendant representing a cube with a "H" in gilt metal hardware and orange emanel. Signed "Hermès". Dim.: 0.47 inch. Added to that, a silver pair of earrings epresenting a cube with a "H" in gilt metal hardware and orange emanel (dim.: 3.15 inches), signed "Hermès Paris"

Auction archive: Lot number 117
12 Nov 2013
Auction house:
7, rond-point des Champs-Élysées
75008 Paris
+33 (0)1 42992020
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