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Auction archive: Lot number 110

Henri Matisse

£20,000 - £25,000
ca. US$30,099 - US$37,623
Price realised:
ca. US$43,267
Auction archive: Lot number 110

Henri Matisse

£20,000 - £25,000
ca. US$30,099 - US$37,623
Price realised:
ca. US$43,267

Henri Matisse
La Persane (D.-M. 507)
Henri Matisse La Persane (D.-M. 507) lithograph, 1929, on Arches, signed in pencil, numbered 23/50 (there were also ten artist's proofs), with the Petiet Editeur blindstamp, the full sheet, pale light-staining, the upper right sheet corner made up, minor skinning at the upper left sheet corner, otherwise in good condition, framed L. 448 x 289 mm., S. 597 x 432 mm.

Auction archive: Lot number 110
31 Mar 2010
Auction house:
31 March 2010, London, King Street

Henri Matisse
La Persane (D.-M. 507)
Henri Matisse La Persane (D.-M. 507) lithograph, 1929, on Arches, signed in pencil, numbered 23/50 (there were also ten artist's proofs), with the Petiet Editeur blindstamp, the full sheet, pale light-staining, the upper right sheet corner made up, minor skinning at the upper left sheet corner, otherwise in good condition, framed L. 448 x 289 mm., S. 597 x 432 mm.

Auction archive: Lot number 110
31 Mar 2010
Auction house:
31 March 2010, London, King Street
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