Title: Hand-painted production art from "Uncle Scrooge McDuck: His Life and Times." Author: Barks, Carl & Peter Ledger Place: [Millbrae, CA] Publisher: [Celestial Arts] Date: [c.1981] Description: Image size approximately 35.5x25 cm (14x9¾"), matted. Overall 46x36 cm (18x14"). Hand-colored blue-line print on art-board of a page from "Back to the Klondike" with an acetate overlay of Carl Barks' black line art. Beautifully hand-colored by airbrush by noted Australian artist and Barks fan Peter Ledger. Signed by both Ledger and Barks on the board. Reproduced from the original for the 1981 Celestial Arts book. Lot Amendments Condition: Fine. Item number: 285629
Title: Hand-painted production art from "Uncle Scrooge McDuck: His Life and Times." Author: Barks, Carl & Peter Ledger Place: [Millbrae, CA] Publisher: [Celestial Arts] Date: [c.1981] Description: Image size approximately 35.5x25 cm (14x9¾"), matted. Overall 46x36 cm (18x14"). Hand-colored blue-line print on art-board of a page from "Back to the Klondike" with an acetate overlay of Carl Barks' black line art. Beautifully hand-colored by airbrush by noted Australian artist and Barks fan Peter Ledger. Signed by both Ledger and Barks on the board. Reproduced from the original for the 1981 Celestial Arts book. Lot Amendments Condition: Fine. Item number: 285629
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