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Auction archive: Lot number 248

Gordon & MacPhail Generations Glenlivet

HK$150,000 - HK$180,000
ca. US$19,131 - US$22,958
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 248

Gordon & MacPhail Generations Glenlivet

HK$150,000 - HK$180,000
ca. US$19,131 - US$22,958
Price realised:
n. a.

Gordon & MacPhail Generations Glenlivet 70 Years Old Bottled by Gordon & MacPhail, Elgin. On the 3rd of February 1940, to the instruction of John Urquhart (grandfather and great grandfather of the current owners of Gordon & MacPhail), a First Fill Sherry Butt was filled at Glenlivet Distillery and left to mature in warehouse number 6 at the distillery. On the 10th January 1980, the cask was moved to Gordon & MacPhail's own bonded warehouse in Elgin and in September 2010 the decision was taken to carefully empty cask number 339 and bottle this fine and rare single malt at cask strength – 45.9% Presented in a tear-shaped hand-blown crystal decanter with an elegant British Hallmarked silver stopper. The decanter nestles in a sterling silver base and is framed in a handmade box, crafted in Scotland using Scottish Elm. Only 100 70cl bottles will be released in 2011. Each crystal decanter is uniquely numbered. This is bottle 81 of 100. 高登麥克菲爾酒廠世代系列(Generations)中最陳年的格蘭利威70年珍釀,該支單一麥芽威士忌於1940年2月3日在John Urquhart(現今高登麥克菲爾酒廠擁有者的祖父及曾祖父)指導下蒸餾,然後注進雪莉桶,置放於格蘭利威釀酒廠六號酒倉,讓它醞釀七十年之久,直至2010年才裝瓶。 這珍釀以人手吹製的淚型水晶雕花瓶盛載,配上英國戳記純銀製的優雅瓶塞,底部為純銀製造的基座,並以蘇格蘭精工製造的蘇格蘭榆木箱收藏,在2011年只生產了一百瓶700毫升裝,且每一瓶皆配有獨一無二的號碼。這瓶是一百瓶裡的第八十一號。 70cl. Single Malt., 45.9% volume. 1 crystal decanter

Auction archive: Lot number 248
16 Aug 2019
Auction house:
Bonhams London
Hong Kong, Admiralty Suite 2001, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway, Admiralty Hong Kong Tel: +852 2918 4321 Fax : +852 2918 4320

Gordon & MacPhail Generations Glenlivet 70 Years Old Bottled by Gordon & MacPhail, Elgin. On the 3rd of February 1940, to the instruction of John Urquhart (grandfather and great grandfather of the current owners of Gordon & MacPhail), a First Fill Sherry Butt was filled at Glenlivet Distillery and left to mature in warehouse number 6 at the distillery. On the 10th January 1980, the cask was moved to Gordon & MacPhail's own bonded warehouse in Elgin and in September 2010 the decision was taken to carefully empty cask number 339 and bottle this fine and rare single malt at cask strength – 45.9% Presented in a tear-shaped hand-blown crystal decanter with an elegant British Hallmarked silver stopper. The decanter nestles in a sterling silver base and is framed in a handmade box, crafted in Scotland using Scottish Elm. Only 100 70cl bottles will be released in 2011. Each crystal decanter is uniquely numbered. This is bottle 81 of 100. 高登麥克菲爾酒廠世代系列(Generations)中最陳年的格蘭利威70年珍釀,該支單一麥芽威士忌於1940年2月3日在John Urquhart(現今高登麥克菲爾酒廠擁有者的祖父及曾祖父)指導下蒸餾,然後注進雪莉桶,置放於格蘭利威釀酒廠六號酒倉,讓它醞釀七十年之久,直至2010年才裝瓶。 這珍釀以人手吹製的淚型水晶雕花瓶盛載,配上英國戳記純銀製的優雅瓶塞,底部為純銀製造的基座,並以蘇格蘭精工製造的蘇格蘭榆木箱收藏,在2011年只生產了一百瓶700毫升裝,且每一瓶皆配有獨一無二的號碼。這瓶是一百瓶裡的第八十一號。 70cl. Single Malt., 45.9% volume. 1 crystal decanter

Auction archive: Lot number 248
16 Aug 2019
Auction house:
Bonhams London
Hong Kong, Admiralty Suite 2001, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway, Admiralty Hong Kong Tel: +852 2918 4321 Fax : +852 2918 4320
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