Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 35

Frederick Marshman Bailey | His collection of natural history pamphlets and related letters, 1881-1958

n. a.
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 35

Frederick Marshman Bailey | His collection of natural history pamphlets and related letters, 1881-1958

n. a.

Frederick Marshman BaileyHis collection of offprints and pamphlets, with related correspondence, comprising:
i) c.60 offprints of articles, most in original printed wrappers, including numerous presentation copies, 1881-1953ii) Issues of various Periodicals on natural history, with related printed ephemera and other incluingiii) c.25 letters, mostly to Bailey but a few early letters to his father, including by naturalists including Jean Delacour, Felix Bryk, Harry Tytler, Major W.G.H. Gough (discussing unrest in Waziristan), as well as institutions including The British Museum (Natural History), Zoological Museum, Tring, The Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, and the Natural History Museum, Darjeeling, and the firm Staudinger & Bang-Haas, chiefly on collecting butterflies and related subjects, 1911-1958
housed in five boxes labelled “Birds”, “Insects”, “Butterflies” (2), and “Forestry”
AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF EARLY 20TH CENTURY NATURAL HISTORY. Frederick Marshman Bailey (1882-1967) was a British army officer who was also a noted explorer and naturalist. He first visited Tibet as part of the Younghusband Expedition of 1903-4, and spent much of the following ten years exploring the region – he was, for example, the first to prove that the Tsangpo river broke through the Himalayas to emerge into India as the Brahmaputra. After active service in World War I he took up positions in Tashkent, Sikkim, Srinigar, and Nepal. He was the author of a number of books on Tibet and other subjects, as well as articles on natural history. His collections of butterflies, birds, and mammals are now at the Natural History Museum, London. The current collection includes Bailey’s copies of his own articles, as well as works by fellow enthusiasts in the British Indian Army such as Harry Tytler, William Harry Evans and John Coney Moulton, and articles by noted lepidopterists including Lionel de Nicéville, Felix Bryk and Lewis Beethoven Prout. The offprints include presentation copies, and the group is accompanied by substantial correspondence with museums, learned societies and naturalists discussing specimens and related subjects.
The offprints found in this collection include:
Box labelled "Birds": F.M. Bailey, The Nesting of the Bar-Headed Goose … in Tibet, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 August 1909F.M. Bailey, Some Notes on Birds from Gyantse and Chumbi in Tibet, with a list of the Game Birds killed during the four years 1906-1909, from The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 31 October 1911F.M. Bailey, Some Notes on Mammals and Birds in South-Eastern Tibet, from The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 September 1913Edward Bidwell, [letter on ostrich eggs], The Ibis, October 1910, presentation copyG.A. Blanc, Sulla Presenza di Alea impennis Linn., Archivio per l’Antropologia e l’Etnologia vol. 58, 1928, presentation copyJean Delacour, Bibliography Ornithology & Mammalogy 1914-1943, [1944], inscribedC.H.Donald, The Raptores of the Punjab with 2 plates, from The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 September 1917, with a letter by the author, 3 February 1918Frank Ludlow, Birds of the Gyantse Neighbourhood, Southern Tibet, from The Ibis October 1927 – April 1928, 1928G.J. Van Oort, The Ornithological Reservations of the Netherlands, 1930, from Ardea vol. 29, 1930
Box labelled "Insects": F.W. Edwards, Some Nematocerous Diptera from Yunnan and Tibet, from the Annals & Magazine of Natural History, June 1928, two copiesG.F. Hampson, The Butterflies of the Nilgiri District South India, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1888J.C.Moulton, A List of the Butterflies of Borneo Part IV – Papilionidae, from the Straits Branch Royal Asiatic Society Journal, 1914, presentation copyJ.C. Moulton, Some Pierine Butterflies New to Malaysia, from Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society Journal, 7 April 1923Lionel De Niceville, On new and little known Rhopalocera from the Indian Region, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1883, with colour platesLionel De Niceville, Description of Neptis Praslini, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1897Lionel De Niceville, On A Small Collection of Butterflies from Buru in the Moluccas, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1898Lewis Prout, On a Collection of Moths of the Family Geometridae from Upper Burma made by Captain A.E. Swann, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 2 parts, May-August 1926N.D. Riley, New African and Arabian Butterflies, from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1932Major-General Sir Harry Tytler, Notes on some new and interesting Butterflies chiefly from Burma, 2 parts, from the Bombay Natural History Society, December 1939-1940E.Y. Watson, Notes on some Butterflies from Myingyan, Central Burma, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1897
Box labelled "Forestry": F.M. Bailey, A Young Kyang or Tibetan Wild Ass, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 November 1909F.M. Bailey, Note on the Serow from the Chumbi Valley, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society February 28, 1910.F.M. Bailey, Notes on Game Animals from near Gyantse and in the Chumbi Valley, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 20 May 1911F.M. Bailey, Note on Takin (Budorcas Taxicolor), from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 July 1912F.M. Bailey, Some Notes on Mammals and Birds in South-Eastern Tibet, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 September 1913F.M. Bailey, Notes from Southern Tibet, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 September 1915Dr D.G. Elliot, Descriptions of the apparently new species and subspecies of Monkeys of the Genus Callicebus, Lagothrix, Papio, Pithecus, Cercopithecus, Erythrocebus and Presbytis, from the Annals & Magazine of Natural History, September 1909N.B. Kinnear, Measurements of some of the Horns in the Collection of the Bombay Natural History Society, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 April 1909Lt. Col. J.Manners Smith, The “Shous” or Big-Horned Deer of Tibet, from the Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1914R.I. Pocock, On a Rare Stag (Cervus Wallichii) from Nepal recently presented to the Zoological Society by His Majesty King George, from the proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, September 1912, presentation copyOldfield Thomas, New Rodents from Sze-chwan collected by Capt. F.M.Bailey, from Annals & Magazine of Natural History, December 1911, presentation copyOldfield Thomas, On Small Mammals Collected in Tibet and the Mishmi Hills by Capt. F.M.Bailey, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 20 November 1914, presentation copyR.C. Wroughton, Summary of the Results from the Indian Mammal Survey, from Bombay Natural History Society, 6 Parts, 10 June 1918 to 1 July 1920
Box labelled "Butterflies" (1):F.M.Bailey, Diagora Nicevillei (Moore), from the Journal of Bombay Natural History, December 1941N.H. Bennett, A Revision of the Echerius Group, from The Entomologist, January 1950L.A.Berger & M.Fontaine, Un Espece meconnue du genre Colias F., from Lambillionea, 1947-48L. A. Berger, A Colias New to Britain, from The Entomologist, June 1948Felix Bryk, Parnassiologische Studien aus England, from Parnassiana, 1932Felix Bryk, Entspricht die heute ubliche Spannstellung der praeparierten Schmetterlinge den wissenschaftlichen Forderungen?, from Entomologisk Tidskrift, 1953, presentation copyHenry John Elwes, Lepidoptera of the Altai Mountains, 1899, presentation copy, with platesW.H. Evans, Additions and corrections to Certain local Butterfly Lists, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 12 October 1910W.H. Evans, A List of the Butterflies of the Palni Hills with the descriptions of two new species, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, October 1912W.H. Evans, Notes on Indian Butterflies, 2 parts, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, March-November 1914W.H. Evans, Lepidoptera – Rhopalocera, from Overgedrukt uit het Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 1927W.H.Evans, The Butterfiles of Baluchistan, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, November 1932, inscribedA.G. Gabriel, New Forms of Papilio from the Indo-Australaian Region, from The Entomologist, December 1936F. Moore, Monograph of the Genus Adolias, from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, vol. 5, n.s., Pt 2 (with plates).F. Moore, On the Asiatic Lepidoptera referred to the genus Mycalesis, from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, 1880J.W. Thomson-Glover, Butterflies & Moths from Chinese Turkestan, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1937Major-General H.C. Tytler, Notes on some New & Interesting Butterflies from India & Burma, 2 parts, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, August-November 1926, with plates, presentation copy
Box labelled "Butterflies" (2): Lt.Col. F.M. Bailey, Notes on Butterflies from Nepal, from the Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 2 parts, August and December 1951Lt.Col. Bailey, Notes on Butterflies from Nepal, from the Journal of Bombay Natural History, 2 Parts, August and December 1951Felix Bryk, Sendschreiben an Herrn Pfarrer Dr Otto Kleinschmidt, from Sylleegomena biologica, December 1950, presentation copyFeliz Bryk, Geographische und individuelle Variabilitat der Sphragisbildungen, from Entomologisk Tidskrift, December 1950Major W.G.H. Gough, Some Butterflies of Nepal, from the Journal of Bombay Natural History, December 1935, extensive annotationsRichard South, A list of Butterflies collected by Capt. F.M.Bailey in Western China, South Eastern Tibet and the Mishmi Hills 1911, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 2 parts, September and December 1913

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 35

Frederick Marshman BaileyHis collection of offprints and pamphlets, with related correspondence, comprising:
i) c.60 offprints of articles, most in original printed wrappers, including numerous presentation copies, 1881-1953ii) Issues of various Periodicals on natural history, with related printed ephemera and other incluingiii) c.25 letters, mostly to Bailey but a few early letters to his father, including by naturalists including Jean Delacour, Felix Bryk, Harry Tytler, Major W.G.H. Gough (discussing unrest in Waziristan), as well as institutions including The British Museum (Natural History), Zoological Museum, Tring, The Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, and the Natural History Museum, Darjeeling, and the firm Staudinger & Bang-Haas, chiefly on collecting butterflies and related subjects, 1911-1958
housed in five boxes labelled “Birds”, “Insects”, “Butterflies” (2), and “Forestry”
AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF EARLY 20TH CENTURY NATURAL HISTORY. Frederick Marshman Bailey (1882-1967) was a British army officer who was also a noted explorer and naturalist. He first visited Tibet as part of the Younghusband Expedition of 1903-4, and spent much of the following ten years exploring the region – he was, for example, the first to prove that the Tsangpo river broke through the Himalayas to emerge into India as the Brahmaputra. After active service in World War I he took up positions in Tashkent, Sikkim, Srinigar, and Nepal. He was the author of a number of books on Tibet and other subjects, as well as articles on natural history. His collections of butterflies, birds, and mammals are now at the Natural History Museum, London. The current collection includes Bailey’s copies of his own articles, as well as works by fellow enthusiasts in the British Indian Army such as Harry Tytler, William Harry Evans and John Coney Moulton, and articles by noted lepidopterists including Lionel de Nicéville, Felix Bryk and Lewis Beethoven Prout. The offprints include presentation copies, and the group is accompanied by substantial correspondence with museums, learned societies and naturalists discussing specimens and related subjects.
The offprints found in this collection include:
Box labelled "Birds": F.M. Bailey, The Nesting of the Bar-Headed Goose … in Tibet, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 August 1909F.M. Bailey, Some Notes on Birds from Gyantse and Chumbi in Tibet, with a list of the Game Birds killed during the four years 1906-1909, from The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 31 October 1911F.M. Bailey, Some Notes on Mammals and Birds in South-Eastern Tibet, from The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 September 1913Edward Bidwell, [letter on ostrich eggs], The Ibis, October 1910, presentation copyG.A. Blanc, Sulla Presenza di Alea impennis Linn., Archivio per l’Antropologia e l’Etnologia vol. 58, 1928, presentation copyJean Delacour, Bibliography Ornithology & Mammalogy 1914-1943, [1944], inscribedC.H.Donald, The Raptores of the Punjab with 2 plates, from The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 September 1917, with a letter by the author, 3 February 1918Frank Ludlow, Birds of the Gyantse Neighbourhood, Southern Tibet, from The Ibis October 1927 – April 1928, 1928G.J. Van Oort, The Ornithological Reservations of the Netherlands, 1930, from Ardea vol. 29, 1930
Box labelled "Insects": F.W. Edwards, Some Nematocerous Diptera from Yunnan and Tibet, from the Annals & Magazine of Natural History, June 1928, two copiesG.F. Hampson, The Butterflies of the Nilgiri District South India, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1888J.C.Moulton, A List of the Butterflies of Borneo Part IV – Papilionidae, from the Straits Branch Royal Asiatic Society Journal, 1914, presentation copyJ.C. Moulton, Some Pierine Butterflies New to Malaysia, from Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society Journal, 7 April 1923Lionel De Niceville, On new and little known Rhopalocera from the Indian Region, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1883, with colour platesLionel De Niceville, Description of Neptis Praslini, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1897Lionel De Niceville, On A Small Collection of Butterflies from Buru in the Moluccas, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1898Lewis Prout, On a Collection of Moths of the Family Geometridae from Upper Burma made by Captain A.E. Swann, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 2 parts, May-August 1926N.D. Riley, New African and Arabian Butterflies, from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1932Major-General Sir Harry Tytler, Notes on some new and interesting Butterflies chiefly from Burma, 2 parts, from the Bombay Natural History Society, December 1939-1940E.Y. Watson, Notes on some Butterflies from Myingyan, Central Burma, from the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1897
Box labelled "Forestry": F.M. Bailey, A Young Kyang or Tibetan Wild Ass, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 November 1909F.M. Bailey, Note on the Serow from the Chumbi Valley, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society February 28, 1910.F.M. Bailey, Notes on Game Animals from near Gyantse and in the Chumbi Valley, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 20 May 1911F.M. Bailey, Note on Takin (Budorcas Taxicolor), from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 July 1912F.M. Bailey, Some Notes on Mammals and Birds in South-Eastern Tibet, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 September 1913F.M. Bailey, Notes from Southern Tibet, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 30 September 1915Dr D.G. Elliot, Descriptions of the apparently new species and subspecies of Monkeys of the Genus Callicebus, Lagothrix, Papio, Pithecus, Cercopithecus, Erythrocebus and Presbytis, from the Annals & Magazine of Natural History, September 1909N.B. Kinnear, Measurements of some of the Horns in the Collection of the Bombay Natural History Society, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 15 April 1909Lt. Col. J.Manners Smith, The “Shous” or Big-Horned Deer of Tibet, from the Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1914R.I. Pocock, On a Rare Stag (Cervus Wallichii) from Nepal recently presented to the Zoological Society by His Majesty King George, from the proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, September 1912, presentation copyOldfield Thomas, New Rodents from Sze-chwan collected by Capt. F.M.Bailey, from Annals & Magazine of Natural History, December 1911, presentation copyOldfield Thomas, On Small Mammals Collected in Tibet and the Mishmi Hills by Capt. F.M.Bailey, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 20 November 1914, presentation copyR.C. Wroughton, Summary of the Results from the Indian Mammal Survey, from Bombay Natural History Society, 6 Parts, 10 June 1918 to 1 July 1920
Box labelled "Butterflies" (1):F.M.Bailey, Diagora Nicevillei (Moore), from the Journal of Bombay Natural History, December 1941N.H. Bennett, A Revision of the Echerius Group, from The Entomologist, January 1950L.A.Berger & M.Fontaine, Un Espece meconnue du genre Colias F., from Lambillionea, 1947-48L. A. Berger, A Colias New to Britain, from The Entomologist, June 1948Felix Bryk, Parnassiologische Studien aus England, from Parnassiana, 1932Felix Bryk, Entspricht die heute ubliche Spannstellung der praeparierten Schmetterlinge den wissenschaftlichen Forderungen?, from Entomologisk Tidskrift, 1953, presentation copyHenry John Elwes, Lepidoptera of the Altai Mountains, 1899, presentation copy, with platesW.H. Evans, Additions and corrections to Certain local Butterfly Lists, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 12 October 1910W.H. Evans, A List of the Butterflies of the Palni Hills with the descriptions of two new species, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, October 1912W.H. Evans, Notes on Indian Butterflies, 2 parts, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, March-November 1914W.H. Evans, Lepidoptera – Rhopalocera, from Overgedrukt uit het Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 1927W.H.Evans, The Butterfiles of Baluchistan, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, November 1932, inscribedA.G. Gabriel, New Forms of Papilio from the Indo-Australaian Region, from The Entomologist, December 1936F. Moore, Monograph of the Genus Adolias, from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, vol. 5, n.s., Pt 2 (with plates).F. Moore, On the Asiatic Lepidoptera referred to the genus Mycalesis, from the Transactions of the Entomological Society, 1880J.W. Thomson-Glover, Butterflies & Moths from Chinese Turkestan, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1937Major-General H.C. Tytler, Notes on some New & Interesting Butterflies from India & Burma, 2 parts, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, August-November 1926, with plates, presentation copy
Box labelled "Butterflies" (2): Lt.Col. F.M. Bailey, Notes on Butterflies from Nepal, from the Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 2 parts, August and December 1951Lt.Col. Bailey, Notes on Butterflies from Nepal, from the Journal of Bombay Natural History, 2 Parts, August and December 1951Felix Bryk, Sendschreiben an Herrn Pfarrer Dr Otto Kleinschmidt, from Sylleegomena biologica, December 1950, presentation copyFeliz Bryk, Geographische und individuelle Variabilitat der Sphragisbildungen, from Entomologisk Tidskrift, December 1950Major W.G.H. Gough, Some Butterflies of Nepal, from the Journal of Bombay Natural History, December 1935, extensive annotationsRichard South, A list of Butterflies collected by Capt. F.M.Bailey in Western China, South Eastern Tibet and the Mishmi Hills 1911, from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 2 parts, September and December 1913

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 35
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