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Auction archive: Lot number 37

Evelyn (John).- Barlow (Thomas) A letter concerning invocation of saints, and adoration of the cross, writ ten years since, to John Evelyn of Depthford Esq, first edition, printed by John Macock for John Martyn at the sign of the Bell in St Paul's Ch...

Price realised:
ca. US$127
Auction archive: Lot number 37

Evelyn (John).- Barlow (Thomas) A letter concerning invocation of saints, and adoration of the cross, writ ten years since, to John Evelyn of Depthford Esq, first edition, printed by John Macock for John Martyn at the sign of the Bell in St Paul's Ch...

Price realised:
ca. US$127

Evelyn (John).- Barlow (Thomas) A letter concerning invocation of saints, and adoration of the cross, writ ten years since, to John Evelyn of Depthford Esq, first edition, modern calf-backed marbled boards, [Wing B834; Keynes, Evelyn, 179], small 4to, printed by John Macock for John Martyn at the sign of the Bell in St Paul's Church-yard, 1679. ⁂ Barlow was Bodley's Librarian in the Interregnum.

Auction archive: Lot number 37
22 Nov 2018
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640

Evelyn (John).- Barlow (Thomas) A letter concerning invocation of saints, and adoration of the cross, writ ten years since, to John Evelyn of Depthford Esq, first edition, modern calf-backed marbled boards, [Wing B834; Keynes, Evelyn, 179], small 4to, printed by John Macock for John Martyn at the sign of the Bell in St Paul's Church-yard, 1679. ⁂ Barlow was Bodley's Librarian in the Interregnum.

Auction archive: Lot number 37
22 Nov 2018
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640
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