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Auction archive: Lot number 2006-133

Emanuel A. Petersen: Seascape with fishing boats on a calm sea bathed in evening light. Signed Emanuel Petersen. Oil on canvas. 67.5×99 cm.

DKK6,000 - DKK8,000
ca. US$884 - US$1,179
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 2006-133

Emanuel A. Petersen: Seascape with fishing boats on a calm sea bathed in evening light. Signed Emanuel Petersen. Oil on canvas. 67.5×99 cm.

DKK6,000 - DKK8,000
ca. US$884 - US$1,179
Price realised:
n. a.

Seascape with fishing boats on a calm sea bathed in evening light. Signed Emanuel Petersen. Oil on canvas. 67.5×99 cm.
Minor surface scratches and a few minimal peelings. In need of a light surface cleaning.

Auction archive: Lot number 2006-133
3 Feb 2020
Auction house:
Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
Bredgade 33
1260 København K
+45 8818 1111
+45 8818 1112

Seascape with fishing boats on a calm sea bathed in evening light. Signed Emanuel Petersen. Oil on canvas. 67.5×99 cm.
Minor surface scratches and a few minimal peelings. In need of a light surface cleaning.

Auction archive: Lot number 2006-133
3 Feb 2020
Auction house:
Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers
Bredgade 33
1260 København K
+45 8818 1111
+45 8818 1112
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