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Auction archive: Lot number 31

E. Duni, P.-A. Monsigny and F.-A. Philidor. A volume of engraved songs, [1763]

The Dolmetsch Collection of Early Music
4 Sep 2021 - 14 Sep 2021
£1,000 - £1,200
ca. US$1,386 - US$1,663
Price realised:
ca. US$1,397
Auction archive: Lot number 31

E. Duni, P.-A. Monsigny and F.-A. Philidor. A volume of engraved songs, [1763]

The Dolmetsch Collection of Early Music
4 Sep 2021 - 14 Sep 2021
£1,000 - £1,200
ca. US$1,386 - US$1,663
Price realised:
ca. US$1,397

Duni, Egidio, Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny and François-André-Philidor A volume of engraved songs, comprising: DUNI, Egidio. Ariettes separée, des deux chasseurs, et la laitiere. Mis en musique par Mr Duny. Gravée par le Sr Hue. Paris: Montulay, [c.1763]MONSIGNY, Pierre-Alexandre. Airs detachés du roi et du fermier. Paris: Claude Hérissant, [c.1763]PHILIDOR, François-André- Airs detachés du bucheron, ou les trois souhaits. Paris, [c.1763], signed "A.D. Philidor" on title-pageAriettes de Ninette a la cour. Acte IIeme. Paris: Duchesne, [c. 763]Ariettes de Ninette a la cour, paridoe de Bertholde. 4e et derniere partie. Paris: Duchesne, [c.1763]Ariettes de Ninette a la cour. Acte premier. Paris: Duchesne, [c.1763]Ariettes de Ninette a la cour. Acte 3eme. Paris: Duchesne, [c.1763]DUNI, Egidio. Ariettes séparée du acte de Mazet. Paris, [c.1763]DUNI, Egidio. Ariettes séparée du second acte de Mazet. Paris, [c.1763] 10 works in one volume, 12mo (19.9 x 12cm), engraved title-pages and engraved music throughout, Dolmetsch Library stamp and pencil shelfmark ("II B 18") to verso of each title-page, modern half calf over marbled boards in period style, retaining old lettering-piece "Favourit French Songs" on spine A collection of songs from the Parisian comédie melée d'ariettes, which was popular in the later eighteenth century. Ninette à la cour was one of the earliest of these parodies of opera buffa, in which the librettist Favart parodied Goldoni, and the version here contains music by Duni, who was the first composer of original music for one of these works. PROVENANCE:Bateman, old signature pasted to inside front coverCondition reportCondition 11 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers (Online Only) is not applicable to this lot. The lot is sold in the condition it is in at the time of sale. The

Auction archive: Lot number 31
4 Sep 2021 - 14 Sep 2021
Auction house:

Duni, Egidio, Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny and François-André-Philidor A volume of engraved songs, comprising: DUNI, Egidio. Ariettes separée, des deux chasseurs, et la laitiere. Mis en musique par Mr Duny. Gravée par le Sr Hue. Paris: Montulay, [c.1763]MONSIGNY, Pierre-Alexandre. Airs detachés du roi et du fermier. Paris: Claude Hérissant, [c.1763]PHILIDOR, François-André- Airs detachés du bucheron, ou les trois souhaits. Paris, [c.1763], signed "A.D. Philidor" on title-pageAriettes de Ninette a la cour. Acte IIeme. Paris: Duchesne, [c. 763]Ariettes de Ninette a la cour, paridoe de Bertholde. 4e et derniere partie. Paris: Duchesne, [c.1763]Ariettes de Ninette a la cour. Acte premier. Paris: Duchesne, [c.1763]Ariettes de Ninette a la cour. Acte 3eme. Paris: Duchesne, [c.1763]DUNI, Egidio. Ariettes séparée du acte de Mazet. Paris, [c.1763]DUNI, Egidio. Ariettes séparée du second acte de Mazet. Paris, [c.1763] 10 works in one volume, 12mo (19.9 x 12cm), engraved title-pages and engraved music throughout, Dolmetsch Library stamp and pencil shelfmark ("II B 18") to verso of each title-page, modern half calf over marbled boards in period style, retaining old lettering-piece "Favourit French Songs" on spine A collection of songs from the Parisian comédie melée d'ariettes, which was popular in the later eighteenth century. Ninette à la cour was one of the earliest of these parodies of opera buffa, in which the librettist Favart parodied Goldoni, and the version here contains music by Duni, who was the first composer of original music for one of these works. PROVENANCE:Bateman, old signature pasted to inside front coverCondition reportCondition 11 of the Conditions of Business for Buyers (Online Only) is not applicable to this lot. The lot is sold in the condition it is in at the time of sale. The

Auction archive: Lot number 31
4 Sep 2021 - 14 Sep 2021
Auction house:
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