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Auction archive: Lot number 209

Dinky Two-Tone English Saloon Cars

Auction 08.07.1994
8 Jul 1994
£150 - £160
ca. US$231 - US$247
Price realised:
ca. US$238
Auction archive: Lot number 209

Dinky Two-Tone English Saloon Cars

Auction 08.07.1994
8 Jul 1994
£150 - £160
ca. US$231 - US$247
Price realised:
ca. US$238

Dinky Two-Tone English Saloon Cars: black and cream 161 Austin Somerset, blue and cream 156 Rover 75 Saloon, grey and green 164 Vauxhall Cresta, maroon and cream 165 Humber Hawk, and beige and green 175 Hillman Minx Saloon (G-E, minor scratch to 156 roof) (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 209
8 Jul 1994
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

Dinky Two-Tone English Saloon Cars: black and cream 161 Austin Somerset, blue and cream 156 Rover 75 Saloon, grey and green 164 Vauxhall Cresta, maroon and cream 165 Humber Hawk, and beige and green 175 Hillman Minx Saloon (G-E, minor scratch to 156 roof) (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 209
8 Jul 1994
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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