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Auction archive: Lot number 1163

Dictionary] - MORERI, Louis - Le grand

€400 - €600
ca. US$453 - US$680
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 1163

Dictionary] - MORERI, Louis - Le grand

€400 - €600
ca. US$453 - US$680
Price realised:
n. a.

Dictionary] - MORERI, Louis - Le grand dictionaire historique, ou Le mélange curieux de l’histoire sacrée et profane [2nd rev. ed.]. Tome premier (- second) [and] (- Supplément ou troisiéme volume). Lyon, Paris, J. Girin & B. Rivière, D. Thierry, 1681 (I-II), 1689 (III), 3 vols, folio, cont. calf (repaired), gilt spines on 5 raised bands (head and tail def.), gilt red and green labels, red edges, [10]-1359-[1], [6]-1263-[1], [8]-1238 pp. (some dampstaining in 1st ff.). Good set.
2nd ed. of the 1st modern historical encyclopedia (1st 1674), compiled by the French priest Moréri (1643-1680). Engr. ills : front. by J. Audran, portrait by Edelinck after DeTroye and headpcs. Titles in red & black. Text in 2 cols. Collector’s names " De Reus ", " J.J. Verlinden ". Libr. stamps.

Auction archive: Lot number 1163
30 Apr 2016
Auction house:
The Romantic Agony Book & Print Auctions
Auquaductstraat 38-40B
1060 Brüssel
+32 2 5441055
+32 2 5441057

Dictionary] - MORERI, Louis - Le grand dictionaire historique, ou Le mélange curieux de l’histoire sacrée et profane [2nd rev. ed.]. Tome premier (- second) [and] (- Supplément ou troisiéme volume). Lyon, Paris, J. Girin & B. Rivière, D. Thierry, 1681 (I-II), 1689 (III), 3 vols, folio, cont. calf (repaired), gilt spines on 5 raised bands (head and tail def.), gilt red and green labels, red edges, [10]-1359-[1], [6]-1263-[1], [8]-1238 pp. (some dampstaining in 1st ff.). Good set.
2nd ed. of the 1st modern historical encyclopedia (1st 1674), compiled by the French priest Moréri (1643-1680). Engr. ills : front. by J. Audran, portrait by Edelinck after DeTroye and headpcs. Titles in red & black. Text in 2 cols. Collector’s names " De Reus ", " J.J. Verlinden ". Libr. stamps.

Auction archive: Lot number 1163
30 Apr 2016
Auction house:
The Romantic Agony Book & Print Auctions
Auquaductstraat 38-40B
1060 Brüssel
+32 2 5441055
+32 2 5441057
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