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Auction archive: Lot number 124

Deutschland, Deutschland ueber alles. Ein Bilderbuch on Kurt Tucholsky un vielen Fotogarfet. Montiert von John Heartfield

US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 124

Deutschland, Deutschland ueber alles. Ein Bilderbuch on Kurt Tucholsky un vielen Fotogarfet. Montiert von John Heartfield

US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:
n. a.

Title: Deutschland, Deutschland ueber alles. Ein Bilderbuch on Kurt Tucholsky un vielen Fotogarfet. Montiert von John Heartfield Author: Tucholsky, Kurt Place: Berlin Publisher: Neuer Deutscher Verlag Date: [1929] Description: 231, [5] pp. Profusely illustrated from photographs & photo montages. 23.5x18 cm. (7¼x7"), original cloth with color photomontage by color photomontage by John Heartfield on front cover. First Edition. Captivating and revealing look at Germany between the wars and the rise of National Socialism. Lot Amendments Condition: Some cover wear, fraying along rear joint; very good. Item number: 253964

Auction archive: Lot number 124
23 Oct 2014
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664

Title: Deutschland, Deutschland ueber alles. Ein Bilderbuch on Kurt Tucholsky un vielen Fotogarfet. Montiert von John Heartfield Author: Tucholsky, Kurt Place: Berlin Publisher: Neuer Deutscher Verlag Date: [1929] Description: 231, [5] pp. Profusely illustrated from photographs & photo montages. 23.5x18 cm. (7¼x7"), original cloth with color photomontage by color photomontage by John Heartfield on front cover. First Edition. Captivating and revealing look at Germany between the wars and the rise of National Socialism. Lot Amendments Condition: Some cover wear, fraying along rear joint; very good. Item number: 253964

Auction archive: Lot number 124
23 Oct 2014
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664
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