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Auction archive: Lot number 115

COLLINS, John (1625-1683) The Description and uses of a Gene...

US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 115

COLLINS, John (1625-1683) The Description and uses of a Gene...

US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:

COLLINS, John (1625-1683). The Description and uses of a General Quadrant. With the Horizontal Projection upon it inverted. - LYON, John (fl. 1658). An Appendix Touching reflective Dialling. London, 1658.
COLLINS, John (1625-1683). The Description and uses of a General Quadrant. With the Horizontal Projection upon it inverted. - LYON, John (fl. 1658). An Appendix Touching reflective Dialling. London, 1658. 2 parts in one volume, 4 o (180 x 138 mm). Woodcut printer's device on title, one engraved plate. (Some browning and dampstaining, C4 torn and repaired crossing text.) Modern calf. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, without the cancel title-page reading "printed by J. Macock" (Wing C-5381). The quadrant described was engraved by Henry Sutton, who also calculated some of the tables and drew the projections. Collins's works, especially the reissue The Sector on a Quadrant , was very popular, and was recommended to seamen by Timothy Gadbury. See Taylor Mathematical Practitioners 238; Wing C-5371.

Auction archive: Lot number 115
16 Apr 2007 - 17 Apr 2007
Auction house:
16-17 April 2007, New York, Rockefeller Center

COLLINS, John (1625-1683). The Description and uses of a General Quadrant. With the Horizontal Projection upon it inverted. - LYON, John (fl. 1658). An Appendix Touching reflective Dialling. London, 1658.
COLLINS, John (1625-1683). The Description and uses of a General Quadrant. With the Horizontal Projection upon it inverted. - LYON, John (fl. 1658). An Appendix Touching reflective Dialling. London, 1658. 2 parts in one volume, 4 o (180 x 138 mm). Woodcut printer's device on title, one engraved plate. (Some browning and dampstaining, C4 torn and repaired crossing text.) Modern calf. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, without the cancel title-page reading "printed by J. Macock" (Wing C-5381). The quadrant described was engraved by Henry Sutton, who also calculated some of the tables and drew the projections. Collins's works, especially the reissue The Sector on a Quadrant , was very popular, and was recommended to seamen by Timothy Gadbury. See Taylor Mathematical Practitioners 238; Wing C-5371.

Auction archive: Lot number 115
16 Apr 2007 - 17 Apr 2007
Auction house:
16-17 April 2007, New York, Rockefeller Center
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