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Auction archive: Lot number 284

Collection of Letters by Rabbis and Heads of Yeshivas – Eretz Israel

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Auction archive: Lot number 284

Collection of Letters by Rabbis and Heads of Yeshivas – Eretz Israel

Price realised:

Collection of letters by Rabbis and Heads of Yeshivas. Eretz Israel and other countries, 20th century. Letters by various rabbis: Rabbi Yisrael Woltz; Rabbi Binyamin Mendelson, "Rabbi of Kfar Ata"; Rabbi Bezalel Stern; Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein, the Crasna Rebbe; Rabbi Zvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook; Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Meltzer (on the stationery of his father, Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer); Rabbi Elimelech Bar-Shaul; Rabbi Yisrael Grossman; Rabbi Avraham Wolf; Rabbi Yonah Merzbach; Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapira; Rabbi Avraham Farbstein; Rabbi Yissachar Meir; Rabbi Yosef Lis; Rabbi Ya'akov Landau; Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth; Rabbi Dov Yaffe; Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky; Rebbetzin Leah Kook of Tiberias (illustrated letter with good wishes); more letters by many rabbis. 44 letters, size and condition vary.

Auction archive: Lot number 284
11 Jul 2016
Auction house:
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048

Collection of letters by Rabbis and Heads of Yeshivas. Eretz Israel and other countries, 20th century. Letters by various rabbis: Rabbi Yisrael Woltz; Rabbi Binyamin Mendelson, "Rabbi of Kfar Ata"; Rabbi Bezalel Stern; Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein, the Crasna Rebbe; Rabbi Zvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook; Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Meltzer (on the stationery of his father, Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer); Rabbi Elimelech Bar-Shaul; Rabbi Yisrael Grossman; Rabbi Avraham Wolf; Rabbi Yonah Merzbach; Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapira; Rabbi Avraham Farbstein; Rabbi Yissachar Meir; Rabbi Yosef Lis; Rabbi Ya'akov Landau; Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth; Rabbi Dov Yaffe; Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky; Rebbetzin Leah Kook of Tiberias (illustrated letter with good wishes); more letters by many rabbis. 44 letters, size and condition vary.

Auction archive: Lot number 284
11 Jul 2016
Auction house:
Kedem Auction House Ltd.
King George st. 58
9242209 Jerusalem
+972 (0)77 5140223
+972 (0)2 9932048
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