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Auction archive: Lot number 496

Collection of Four Rugby Union Jerseys

Price realised:
ca. US$35
Auction archive: Lot number 496

Collection of Four Rugby Union Jerseys

Price realised:
ca. US$35

Collection of Four Rugby Union Jerseys to include: Adidas British Lion, England, Nike marked 'BT Cellnet', two Wales training/rugby jerseys and an Arsenal T shirt 'Dennis Bergkamp Testimonial' Arsenal V Ajax 2006. (5) (B.P. 21% + VAT) More Information Shirt sizes are: Adidas British Lion XXL, England Nike XL, Two Wales training/rugby jerseys 1M and 1 just says Yths, Dennis Bergkamp Testimonial XL.

Auction archive: Lot number 496
21 Jun 2023
Auction house:
Peter Francis Towyside Salerooms
Old Station Road
Carmarthen, SA31 1JN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1267 233456
+44 (0)1267 233458

Collection of Four Rugby Union Jerseys to include: Adidas British Lion, England, Nike marked 'BT Cellnet', two Wales training/rugby jerseys and an Arsenal T shirt 'Dennis Bergkamp Testimonial' Arsenal V Ajax 2006. (5) (B.P. 21% + VAT) More Information Shirt sizes are: Adidas British Lion XXL, England Nike XL, Two Wales training/rugby jerseys 1M and 1 just says Yths, Dennis Bergkamp Testimonial XL.

Auction archive: Lot number 496
21 Jun 2023
Auction house:
Peter Francis Towyside Salerooms
Old Station Road
Carmarthen, SA31 1JN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1267 233456
+44 (0)1267 233458
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