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Auction archive: Lot number 132

Civil War Soldier George Lawrence, 9th Infantry, Trio of Images incl. War-Date Ruby Ambrotype

US$300 - US$500
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 132

Civil War Soldier George Lawrence, 9th Infantry, Trio of Images incl. War-Date Ruby Ambrotype

US$300 - US$500
Price realised:

Lot of 3 images acquired together, with modern identification indicating subject is "George Lawrence," at various stages in his life, including: Sixth plate daguerreotype of young boy seated in a studio setting, under mat stamped "Welling / 226 Bleeker." Under glass with preserver, but lacking case. Image has faded, with some tarnish/discoloration along perimeter. Some surface scratching. Ninth plate ruby ambrotype of a young soldier, believed to be same subject, dressed in uniform and standing beside a knapsack marked with the number "9," suggesting that he served with the 9th Regiment of an unknown state. Housed in half case. Modern tag attached to back of plate identifying the subject as George Lawrence Some loss to clarity of ambrotype, with some discoloration to image. Sixth plate ambrotype of who appears to be the same young man in civilian dress, housed in half case with "George Lawrence" written in period ink behind image. Details a bit faint, wear to varnish behind plate.

Auction archive: Lot number 132
5 Mar 2020
Auction house:
Cowan's Auctions, Inc.
Este Ave 6270
Cincinnati OH 45232
United States
+1 (0)513 8711670
+1 (0)513 8718670

Lot of 3 images acquired together, with modern identification indicating subject is "George Lawrence," at various stages in his life, including: Sixth plate daguerreotype of young boy seated in a studio setting, under mat stamped "Welling / 226 Bleeker." Under glass with preserver, but lacking case. Image has faded, with some tarnish/discoloration along perimeter. Some surface scratching. Ninth plate ruby ambrotype of a young soldier, believed to be same subject, dressed in uniform and standing beside a knapsack marked with the number "9," suggesting that he served with the 9th Regiment of an unknown state. Housed in half case. Modern tag attached to back of plate identifying the subject as George Lawrence Some loss to clarity of ambrotype, with some discoloration to image. Sixth plate ambrotype of who appears to be the same young man in civilian dress, housed in half case with "George Lawrence" written in period ink behind image. Details a bit faint, wear to varnish behind plate.

Auction archive: Lot number 132
5 Mar 2020
Auction house:
Cowan's Auctions, Inc.
Este Ave 6270
Cincinnati OH 45232
United States
+1 (0)513 8711670
+1 (0)513 8718670
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