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Auction archive: Lot number 59

CHINA]. DU HALDE, JEAN BAPTISTE. The General History of China. London, 1736. 4 engraved frontispieces, 3 engraved folding maps and 15 engraved plates (11 folding). 4 volumes -- GROSIER, JEAN BAPTISTE GABRIEL ALEXANDRE. A General Description of China....

Auction 09.04.1997
9 Apr 1997
US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 59

CHINA]. DU HALDE, JEAN BAPTISTE. The General History of China. London, 1736. 4 engraved frontispieces, 3 engraved folding maps and 15 engraved plates (11 folding). 4 volumes -- GROSIER, JEAN BAPTISTE GABRIEL ALEXANDRE. A General Description of China....

Auction 09.04.1997
9 Apr 1997
US$1,000 - US$1,500
Price realised:

CHINA]. DU HALDE, JEAN BAPTISTE. The General History of China. London, 1736. 4 engraved frontispieces, 3 engraved folding maps and 15 engraved plates (11 folding). 4 volumes -- GROSIER, JEAN BAPTISTE GABRIEL ALEXANDRE. A General Description of China... London, 1788. Engraved folding map and 13 engraved plates (one folding). 2 volumes -- STAUNTON, GEORGE. An Historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China... London, 1797. Engraved frontispiece, engraved title, 2 engraved folding maps and 21 engraved plates -- ELLIS, HENRY. Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China... London, 1817. 3 engraved maps (one folding) and 7 colored engraved plates -- ABEL, CLARKE. Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of a Voyage to and from that Country, in the Years 1816 and 1817... London, 1819. With 18 (of 19) engraved plates (including 8 colored) and 4 engraved maps (3 folding) -- AMHERST L. Report of Proceedings on a Voyage to the Northern Ports of China... London, 1833 -- DAVIS, JOHN FRANCIS. The Chinese: A General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants. New York, 1836. Engraved folding map. Volume I only -- COBBOLD, R.H. Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by Themselves... London, 1860. Numerous plates -- OGAWA, K., editor. Russia and Japan. Including the Tragic Struggle by Land and Sea for Empire in the Far East. London, 1906. Numerous illustrations. Together 9 works in 13 volumes, various sizes, various bindings, condition varies. (13)

Auction archive: Lot number 59
9 Apr 1997
Auction house:
New York, East

CHINA]. DU HALDE, JEAN BAPTISTE. The General History of China. London, 1736. 4 engraved frontispieces, 3 engraved folding maps and 15 engraved plates (11 folding). 4 volumes -- GROSIER, JEAN BAPTISTE GABRIEL ALEXANDRE. A General Description of China... London, 1788. Engraved folding map and 13 engraved plates (one folding). 2 volumes -- STAUNTON, GEORGE. An Historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China... London, 1797. Engraved frontispiece, engraved title, 2 engraved folding maps and 21 engraved plates -- ELLIS, HENRY. Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China... London, 1817. 3 engraved maps (one folding) and 7 colored engraved plates -- ABEL, CLARKE. Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of a Voyage to and from that Country, in the Years 1816 and 1817... London, 1819. With 18 (of 19) engraved plates (including 8 colored) and 4 engraved maps (3 folding) -- AMHERST L. Report of Proceedings on a Voyage to the Northern Ports of China... London, 1833 -- DAVIS, JOHN FRANCIS. The Chinese: A General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants. New York, 1836. Engraved folding map. Volume I only -- COBBOLD, R.H. Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by Themselves... London, 1860. Numerous plates -- OGAWA, K., editor. Russia and Japan. Including the Tragic Struggle by Land and Sea for Empire in the Far East. London, 1906. Numerous illustrations. Together 9 works in 13 volumes, various sizes, various bindings, condition varies. (13)

Auction archive: Lot number 59
9 Apr 1997
Auction house:
New York, East
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